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Contradictions Of The Catholic Church?


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at another debating place i post the following a lot. it gets old pretty quick how little people know of church teaching and writings, and the same o same ol they post



in this debate, i am not counting the issues of limbo, or "no salvation outside the catholic church".

you would think if the catholic church were not true, that it would have contradicted itself at some point in two thousand years.

the only things that count are statements that are authoritative, things that could be considerted "infallible". the pope, intentionally, teaches, the church, on faith and morals. that is the criteria. it includes many councils and other statements by popes.


-this does not include moral corruption, only official teaching. that means you can't use bad priest, even peodofile priests. it means you can't use the inquisistion where millions were killed by catholics. can't use the sins of past popes. it has to be actual teachings of the church, as said, councils and statements by popes. etc. impeccable v infallble, there's a difference.
-since we are comparing official statements, id rather not use the bible either. it's usually too open to interpretation to begin with. we are examining the church's consistency on its own anyway... and you'd think even beyond the bible, it'd have contradicted itself within two thousand years.
-also there's a differnce between widespread belief and doctrine. that so many believed the earth was made in six days, that the earth was flat, that man wasn't from apes etc... only shows they are human. it'd make sense at first impression. this isn't doctrine. you have to cite a quote or citation.
-there's a difference between practice and doctrine too... preistly celibacy is practice, reading the mass in latin is a practice... etc

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at another debating place i post the following a lot. it gets old pretty quick how little people know of church teaching and writings, and the same o same ol they post



in this debate, i am not counting the issues of limbo, or "no salvation outside the catholic church".

you would think if the catholic church were not true, that it would have contradicted itself at some point in two thousand years.

the only things that count are statements that are authoritative, things that could be considerted "infallible". the pope, intentionally, teaches, the church, on faith and morals. that is the criteria. it includes many councils and other statements by popes.


-this does not include moral corruption, only official teaching. that means you can't use bad priest, even peodofile priests. it means you can't use the inquisistion where millions were killed by catholics. can't use the sins of past popes. it has to be actual teachings of the church, as said, councils and statements by popes. etc. impeccable v infallble, there's a difference.
-since we are comparing official statements, id rather not use the bible either. it's usually too open to interpretation to begin with. we are examining the church's consistency on its own anyway... and you'd think even beyond the bible, it'd have contradicted itself within two thousand years.
-also there's a differnce between widespread belief and doctrine. that so many believed the earth was made in six days, that the earth was flat, that man wasn't from apes etc... only shows they are human. it'd make sense at first impression. this isn't doctrine. you have to cite a quote or citation.
-there's a difference between practice and doctrine too... preistly celibacy is practice, reading the mass in latin is a practice... etc


Where did you read that? No serious historian would quote a figure anywhere near that.  I can't think of a single reputable modern scholar who think's the number was anywhere close to even 100,000.  Read some of Henry Kamen's stuff, his 1998 book was pretty good, if I'm remembering correctly.  Also, here's a good Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_revision_of_the_Inquisition


I understand that you didn't want that used in this debate, I just wanted to point out that that is a completely false statement.  

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The poster does not engage in dialogue often, but she is excellent at posting topics with questions in them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

The spanish colonisers where the best of all. I have a book for you dairy queen that you could purchase somewhere i guess and have a look at the true history of the church through the dark ages. It is a big eye opener. Title: ' The Catholic church through the ages ' Author: ' Martin P.Harney, S.J. ' It really covers in depth 2000 years in such a short book, a great crash course in the real and true history of the church.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

 This book has given me a better understanding of the battle between the holy catholic church and the kings and queens of europe during those times, sometimes the king or queen of a nation ran the nations church, it was more the national church at times than the holy roman catholic church. If you really wan't to know anything about church history you will get this book, i can't explain it all on a blog site, also i don't think i could explain it all anyway,i retain interlectual information difficulty. But i do know in my heart now a brief history of the holy catholic church and it's stance on matters like the spanish inquisition which by the way was an act of a national lead church flying the banner of being catholic and not the holy catholic church, it wasn't authorised by the pope. And you will be suprised how during those times there where even cardinals and bishops that where elected by by the state and not the holy catholic church. It was a big mess but this book will help clear it up for you.




Onward christian souls.



JC "seek and you will find,knock and the door will be opened."


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also we don't have to believe that men came from apes, there are to many missing links. It is a scientific assumption not a scientific fact.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

oh also it's not really a short book,i just realised it is 600 pages long approx, i've just gotten so into it it has only seemed short. lol.

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Just don't quote Martin Luther. Look what happened to him in the end....like writing a book on how much he hated the Jews and taking apart the Bible.

So yes, the Catholic church has stood the same in 2000 years. Amen!

The people of the Church are not all saints. Just like in a monarchy, we follow the Pope.

But......Only God can separate the wheat from the chaff and then you have science that separates the monkeys from the apes.


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Guest Sojonur

Just don't quote Martin Luther. Look what happened to him in the end....like writing a book on how much he hated the Jews and taking apart the Bible.

So yes, the Catholic church has stood the same in 2000 years. Amen!

The people of the Church are not all saints. Just like in a monarchy, we follow the Pope.

But......Only God can separate the wheat from the chaff and then you have science that separates the monkeys from the apes.


Well there have been many changes, especially since the second Vatican council. Some say that these changes are substantial changes to the faith itself.

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Nihil Obstat

Well there have been many changes, especially since the second Vatican council. Some say that these changes are substantial changes to the faith itself.

Which ones would you call substantial, and what does the term substantial mean to you in this context?

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Well this one seems pretty clear to me...Holy Mother Church has never contradicted herself.

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