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Is It A Sin To Smoke?


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Not The Philosopher

My guess is that doing something which could lead to a shorter life/complications later on is likely a venial sin at most. And even then it seems vague. Obviously a person who gorges himself on steak all the time is not acting in the best interests of his body and soul, but the virtue of temperance isn't meant to be a puritanical diet/exercise regimen with the main purpose being the prolongation of our lives. I highly doubt that the person who only eats fish is automatically holier than someone who likes a hamburger every now and then.


Smoking (or doing anything else) intemperately is sinful. But I don't see how doing it in moderation is more heinous than enjoying some cake or red meat, even if it might cause complications later on.


(full disclosure: this post was written by a man who likes his cigars)

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My initial inclination is to say yes.  I grew up around smokers and in retrospect, it does seem pretty sinful that adult relatives smoked like chimneys around a toddler.  The thing about smoking is that, unlike an addiction to food, it is not a necessity to the body that requires moderation.  Smoking is not only harmful to the health of the smoker but also to those around him/her.


I remember standing downtown, waiting to catch my bus and having people standing right next to me on a windy day blowing cigarette smoke which would go right in my face.  Then I would think about the people who developed lung cancer and never smoked a day in their life.  Just something to think about. 

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After a long hard day on a warm quiet night, sitting on my porch with a drink and cigar would be a very relaxing and calm way to end a stressful day.

You live in Alaska - you don't have warm nights! 

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Smoking is just gross... I found a great room, at a great price but the lady I would be sharing the appartment with smokes like a chimney. I'm not going there. 


Whether it is sinful or not: I don't think it is inherently sinful. Just stupid.

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its complicated...one the one hand living on this planet will make you die eventually... but we are not supposed to live in a bubble and avoid all risk.

On the other hand I still would avoid cigarettes... its just a personal decision though, risking that addiction for no good reason seems like a poor choice.  I have no problems smoking a hookah on occasion or if someone has a cigar at special events I don't have any problems with it.

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Yes if smoking is abused or if it is already causing one health problems and one does nothing to stop. That is not easy to determine for each individual. Because each individual is going to be effected by smoking in different ways. Some people can smoke for a short time and quickly get cancer or other smoking related health problems, while others like George Burns can smoke everyday of their adult life and live to be 100yrs old.


No if it does not cause one health problems and addiction is not a problem.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Specifically, is it a sin to freely start smoking knowing with full knowledge of the potential health consequences? And with full knowledge that you will likely become addicted to it?




"Idolatry is committed, not merely by setting up false gods, but also by setting up false devils; by making men afraid of war or alcohol, or economic law, when they should be afraid of spiritual corruption and cowardice." --G.K. Chesterton

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Quid Est Veritas?

Possibly. I would say that deciding to smoke occasionally, so that detrimental health effects are avoided would not be sinful. However, deciding to smoke frequently so that your health will likely become endangered would be a sin against the virtue of prudence (though not against the fifth commandment) and that this sin would certainly not be grave. I maintain that it could be a sin against prudence because in addition to detrimental health effects, smoking may influence your insurance, your employment, and whether your children become smokers. It is also an unnecessary expense.
May I ask whether this question is purely hypothetical?

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I hope not. I agree with Slappo's assessment.  I occasionally smoke a cigar (although it IS probably a sin to smoke Black & Milds) or a pipe. 


The joke I've heard here in Steubenville (where I think about a quarter to a third of the student body smokes) is that breathing the air here is substantial worse than smoking, so whatever.  Apparently there were studies done back in the day, which said that, I don't think this is quite true anymore.  


Goodness gracious, I'm terrible at English.  

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

all medicines have some side effects with certain people. Nicotein is a medicine for anxiety, the other option is valiums which used at a high dose regularily will rot your liver faster than alcoholism.

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