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Is It A Sin To Smoke?


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I'm not Catholic. I worship stuff, but yea. Anywho...as a smoker I offer no excuse for my actions. It is clear that habit-smoking is stupid and therefore sinful. By any standards. The list of reasons against smoking goes on and on. God will excuse it in some mentally handicapped people tho. Maybe. Anywho...remember that billboard from the government of a collie dog smoking that was meant to shame smokers into quitting so that the government could have a clear conscience? I do and even that didn't work, so please pray that I quit even tho it's pretty much my decision.

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Is it a sin to drink aspertame or eat msg?  I mean you could go on to infinity with that stuff.


Is it a sin to drink 20 aspertames a day and eat 20 msg's a day?






EDIT:  chemicals/carcinogens are hard to predict, but tar is bad for the lungs and permanently bad for the heart along with other organ damage and circulatory damage. smoking isn't in the same class :(

Edited by Paddington
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Is it a sin or not? Do not make any excuses and make your answer precise and definite. Is smoking a sin against God or not?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Bear in mind that there are people who can't smoke moderately once they start (that's the nature of an addiction). My sister has tried to give up several times, gone a few weeks without, then decided that she's just going to be a 'social smoker' (only at parties - when she's out with friends - at the pub - at lunchtimes...), and then crept up to smoking like a chimney again. As is common with a lot of people who are addicted to something, she also underestimates the amount that she smokes. Now she has been in and out of hospital with some quite serious health problems and the doctors have told her unequivocally that she needs to give it up. She can't seem to take their advice seriously. Our uncle is the same.


I wouldn't feel confident enough to say that it's sinful for someone to start smoking if they're fully aware of all the risks, but it is definitely quite stupid. Why would you? What's the point?


I recommend V2cigs.com . There electronic nicotein vaporizers/steamers. Great for people that wan't to quit but have tried andcan't. And i am using them now after smoking 50 a day for about 3 years at the peak of my habit. There not healthy but there healthier, no tar(tar increases the risk of emphesiemer.), no carbon monoxide(i think this cuts out oxygen from the blood stream and can cause heart problems and stroke.) and none of the other 100s of chemicals in the crap the goverments let us smoke. These V2cigs are better than other vaporizers, there flavoured and you can feel the steam going down your throat and into your lungs. Research them out for yourself on the website.


Hope this helps.

Peace and yah levity.



P.S. V2cigs do not claim any health benefits from there product but as far as i can tell even though there not healthy there healthier than normal cigerettes just based on the chemical compounds. I think they claim no health benefits because it still has nicotein in it. And on nicotein what are the health risks of it, my mum piped up and said to me everyone talks about the other chemicals in cigerettes and the tar but no one gives the down low on nicotein, is it no worse than coffee in it's purest form.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Which aspects do you focus on? Legality or health?

What about marijuana? 

Considering that has almost none of the health consequences of cigarettes however it is "illegal".


Which one is worse?


in all truth health wise marijuana has 10 times more tar in it per gram than tobacco in it's natural state(tobacco ion it's natural state that is), and tar increases the risk of emphasiemer as far as i'm aware, that is the big killer for smokers not all the other stuff they say, most of the other stuff is casued by the 100s of chemicals added to the ciggerettes that the goverments allows people to sell.

And marijuana and other drugs alter the mind state which can lower the ability to ward off sin. I like to thinkl if used medicianlly by a medical practisioner drugs have the consequences removed from them by GOD unless abused beyond the reccommended dose, but if used recreationally GOD does not protect the person from the consequences.



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

To be totally honest i'm less concerned about the health of my body than the health of my mind,heart and soul. It must be so hard for christians to do this that watch the t.v shows and movies and adds that are all about looking perfect instead of perfect hearts,perfect minds and perfect souls. Though i do try and dress nice enough without letting the flesh become an idol, although i got one of those flat brim hats that i started idolising and thinking about and talking about a bit to much recently.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Oh also if your in australia the website is a different address, V2cigsaustralia.com , the V2cigs.com is U.S . See that an australian branch of V2cigs am waiting for the australian branch of Phatmass lol, but i do understand the vatican is the slowest court on earth, or as the irish would say... To B sure To B sure.


also Pray for the B's and the bees too. Therse no milk and honey without the honey.



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Isn't coffee and black tea also bad for people's health. Thus we shouldn't drink coffee and tea?

Maybe I'm sinning by drinking black tea....

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Isn't coffee and black tea also bad for people's health. Thus we shouldn't drink coffee and tea?

Maybe I'm sinning by drinking black tea....


IT's a question i have thought long and hard about, maybe gluttony is to be considered but than different things cross that glutton line at different places, like you can drink more water before it becomes gluttony than apples but than you can eat more apples per weight than alcohol, and than can tobacco become gluttony and where is the line on smoke and what about car vapours. I had one priest tell me in no way is smoking tobacco a sin, but than i had another priest say that it wasn't a sin but the amount i smoke may be.

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Though i do try and dress nice enough without letting the flesh become an idol, although i got one of those flat brim hats that i started idolising and thinking about and talking about a bit to much recently.


You're a rich and famous comedian, right?

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I hope not. I agree with Slappo's assessment.  I occasionally smoke a cigar (although it IS probably a sin to smoke Black & Milds) or a pipe. 


The joke I've heard here in Steubenville (where I think about a quarter to a third of the student body smokes) is that breathing the air here is substantial worse than smoking, so whatever.  Apparently there were studies done back in the day, which said that, I don't think this is quite true anymore.  

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