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Is It A Sin To Smoke?


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Specifically, is it a sin to freely start smoking knowing with full knowledge of the potential health consequences? And with full knowledge that you will likely become addicted to it?

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Bear in mind that there are people who can't smoke moderately once they start (that's the nature of an addiction). My sister has tried to give up several times, gone a few weeks without, then decided that she's just going to be a 'social smoker' (only at parties - when she's out with friends - at the pub - at lunchtimes...), and then crept up to smoking like a chimney again. As is common with a lot of people who are addicted to something, she also underestimates the amount that she smokes. Now she has been in and out of hospital with some quite serious health problems and the doctors have told her unequivocally that she needs to give it up. She can't seem to take their advice seriously. Our uncle is the same.


I wouldn't feel confident enough to say that it's sinful for someone to start smoking if they're fully aware of all the risks, but it is definitely quite stupid. Why would you? What's the point?

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I'm pretty sure that smoking regularly (several cigarettes a day) would fall under the whole "thou shalt not kill" commandment, given the proof we have that it does in fact do so. I would ask a priest, though.

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Which aspects do you focus on? Legality or health?

What about marijuana? 

Considering that has almost none of the health consequences of cigarettes however it is "illegal".


Which one is worse?

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Basilisa Marie

Specifically, is it a sin to freely start smoking knowing with full knowledge of the potential health consequences? And with full knowledge that you will likely become addicted to it?



If you know that you'll most likely get addicted to something, you shouldn't do it, and it would be a sin to do it. 


If you have the occasional cigar or pipe, like the occasional drink, that's not sinful.  If you find yourself getting addicted to it and do it anyway, that would be sinful. 

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Smoking is only a sin when you do it after fornicating. 


The Lord never said smoking was a sin. In fact, I think there were more Godly people when there were more smokers on the planet.


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Intentionally do something that you know causes harm to your body is something to seriously consider being a sin.

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At the same time, casual smoking of non inhalent tobacco (pipe's, cigars, or just not inhaling a cigarette) I believe has also been proven to be a significant reducer in stress. Lack of stress and happiness can also improve life span. After a long hard day on a warm quiet night, sitting on my porch with a drink and cigar would be a very relaxing and calm way to end a stressful day.


Inhaling tobacco on the other hand, I'm not so sure about that. Non inhalents have much less risk of lung cancer, although you can still get mouth cancer. I've never heard of anyone having mouth cancer though, so I'd imagine the chances of getting mouth cancer are slimmer?

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I think(opinion) of it as defiling one's own body. God gave us one body, I think I should take care of mine at least. However, God gave us free will so I think that is a decision to be made to each individual person.

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fides' Jack

I don't know.


From another perspective - from Abandonment to Divine Providence (not word for word): if you perform an action, no matter how good or holy an action it is, it is entirely without benefit unless it is in accordance with God's holy will.  


Would God ever want someone to smoke?  I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking the answer is probably no.  Smoking is an attachment to an earthly thing, which we are all trying to learn to give up completely.

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People may debate whether smoking is sinful or not, but after watching my mother struggle with emphysema over the course of the last seven years of her life, I can say for certain that smoking ultimately makes a person miserable, while also putting a terrible emotional burden on the smoker's family.


I pray for my mother, may her memory be eternal!

Edited by Apotheoun
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Beati Pacifici

I smoke. Horrible habit. In fact I m smoking right now sadly. It's tough. I hope it's not a sin for my sake :(

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