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Judith Or Joan


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What did the little flower do that was so great compared to other Carmelite nuns who prayed? Teresa of Avila was much greater!


Where is Don Bosco today, that's what I really want to know.


Salve Regina!


She became a Saint without having to do any miracles during her earthly life. I dare you to name ten other Saints off the top of your head that pulled that off.


Saint John Bosco is in Heaven.

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St. Therese votes for St. Joan of Arc!






To Joan of Arc – By St. Therese of Lisieux


When God, the Lord of hosts gave you the victory,
You drove the strangers out, made crowned your monarch, too.
Then, Joan, your name became renowned in history.
Our greatest conquerors all pale compared with you.


A fleeting glory, though! You needed to possess
That aureole, a saint’s which never can grow dim,
Your Love held out to you His cup of bitterness,
You drank; and humankind rejected you, like Him.


For, in a lightless cell, weighed down by heavy chains,
There then were rained on you the strangers’ cruel jeers.
No friend of yours was found to share with you your pains.
None was there to step forth and wipe away your tears.


That darkness in your jail more radiance projects
Than did the Crowning, when such high acclaim you got!
The luster you have now, in glory, it reflects:
What was it brought it you? Betrayal – that is what.


If God had not, from love unto His Passion come
And in this vale of tears sought death, betrayal, thus,
Our suffering would then have been so burdensome!…
Yet now we love it: for it’s treasure now for us.


Edited by AnneLine
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Wow. I can't believe they used St Joan for war stamps.

We need more Joan of Arcs and Judiths.

These women were not gender confused. They followed God's Will.



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