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Why Would A Church Do This?


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On Sundays I typically drive 20-30 minutes to go to mass at my parish although on some Sundays when I am feeling particularly tired I will sleep in later and go to a Church that is closer to my apartment.

I do not go there often because of a couple things they do that I was hoping someone might be able to shed light on. 

This church does not have any kneelers at all...everyone stands for the consecration, they do not provide any of the scripture readings to the congregation to follow along with, and they frequently advertise in their bulletin a communal confession/absolution.


I was thinking about writing to the pastor because if I am not mistaken... you're not suppose to hand out communal absolution unless there are serious circumstances which would make individual confession difficult or impossible.

And obviously people should kneel for the consecration!

And nothing to follow along with during the readings? I suppose that would be the least of the problems but still! I am used to doing that so it feels weird just sitting there listening hoping that the reading will have pristine pronunciation! 


This might be a pretty obvious "no no" but I was curious if anyone had thoughts on these practices or could shed some light on for the reasoning certain parishes do this.

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The short answer to all liturgical abuse is simply: Original Sin.


The long answer generally contains good intentions that lack a proper theological understanding. For example, in the use of a communal absolution outside of the danger of death, there could be several reasons given, though each lacking. The same with a lack of kneelers.



If you have a general feel for the situation and are certain about their practices (e.g. The priest actually gives communal, general absolution and is not promoting some form of communal penance service in which there are private confessions), I would write the priest, in a charitable manner, inquiring about such a practice.


If he affirms the practice, I would then contact the proper Diocesan office so that the matter can be brought to the Bishop.


As to the lack of hand missals for the congregation, this is not entirely out-of-place. Providing these is generally a custom determined on a parish-to-parish level. For example, my parish is unable to provide monthly hand-missals for use in Mass due to our large numbers. At the same time, you can request a copy of the monthly Magnificat through the parish office so that you will have your own, personal missal.


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I don't think expecting people to listen to the lector rather than read for themselves is too taxing. Missals can be expensive and some parishes may not be able to afford them. My parish doesn't have enough hymn books but can't afford to buy new ones so they had to ask a neighbouring parish for their spares. You can always purchase your own missal if you really want. 

Group confessions is definitely a no-no. But penitential services (that include private confessions) are licit so be sure that is not what is going on.

According to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal "[the congregation] should kneel at the consecration, except when prevented on occasion by reasons of health, lack of space, the large number of people present, or some other good reason. Those who do not kneel ought to make a profound bow when the priest genuflects after the consecration." Perhaps the priest considers a lack of kneelers to be a good reason for standing during the Consecration (I don't personally think it is to be honest). The question is then why there are no kneelers. :idontknow:

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A parish is not required to have missalettes.  Mine doesn't.  The pastor believes that people should LISTEN to the readings, not read them.  He has said that if people were intended to read, he'd just announce "read the gospel on page 32 and we'll resume the Mass in five minutes."  His view is perhaps a bit extreme.  Some people want to both hear and see the gospel and some people may not hear well so can't listen to it in any case.  But those people always have the option of bringing their own missals with them.


You mention communal absolution.  I think you are confusing communal reconciliaton services with general absolution.  They are not the same thing.  Frankly I wish parishes would have more communal reconciliation services since they attract a lot of people.  They're also more work since you need to organize a time when multiple priests will be available to hear confessions.  But they are a completely legitimate form of the sacrament.

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I think I know which parish this is... :hehe:


It's not that uncommon, sadly, and it mostly stems from ignorance. In my experience anyway.

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I do like the priests there and the people seem very friendly! I just dont like that no one kneels at the consecration. :(

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I do like the priests there and the people seem very friendly! I just dont like that no one kneels at the consecration. :(


Well, I've been a rebel in places like that before, and hit the deck anyway. :P

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A parish is not required to have missalettes.  Mine doesn't.  The pastor believes that people should LISTEN to the readings, not read them.  He has said that if people were intended to read, he'd just announce "read the gospel on page 32 and we'll resume the Mass in five minutes."  His view is perhaps a bit extreme.  Some people want to both hear and see the gospel and some people may not hear well so can't listen to it in any case.  But those people always have the option of bringing their own missals with them.


I breifly went to a parish where the pastor said the same thing, apparently loudly and often.  Following along was DISCOURAGED and FROWNED UPON.  It made me so uncomfortable and mad.  I am a very visual learner....I score very low in auidtory learning.  I really can't follow a lecture or speech or homily very well without some sort of visual reference (outline, slides, or source text).  I paid for and brought my own missal, but even my RCIA teacher told me I shouldn't use it.  It was enfuriating.  I get the idea behind it, and I have no problem with encouraging people to try putting down the missals and listen to see if they get more out of it.  But my brain is lost without reference, it wanders and gets lost!  I can't believe a church would make it so hard and embarrising for me to get the most out of the readings and the homily.  Left there a few months later for another reason, RCIA peeps were giving me panic attacks!

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Well, I've been a rebel in places like that before, and hit the deck anyway. :P

I was rather frustrated the first time! But the mass was still going on regardless of the choices the parish made with kneelers haha

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