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Disappointed In Lack Of Respect For Americans Warriors

Knot Wize

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According to the Catechism, patriotism is a virtue.

I love my country and I think having an external litmus test for that (e.g., flying a flag)  cheapens the idea altogether.


It is a virtue but what does just flying only a foreign country's flag represent?  There is no patriotism..

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It is a virtue but what does just flying only a foreign country's flag represent?  There is no patriotism..


If participating in American holidays and law is not enough, then label me as unpatriotic. I'll proudly go by that. I'm not going to crawl on my knees begging for America's approval when it comes to being a patriot.

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America is dandy and all. I like living here rather than Pakistan. That doesn't mean I'm going to fly the American flag and pledge my life to America and its causes.


So you don't vote either or pay taxes?  Please also.. Don't call the police or the fire department for help, tell the FBI to ignore any terrorists living in  you neighborhood because you don't care about the US or its causes.

Edited by Knot Wize
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That response letter was totally bogus. I don't know if you know this Wiz, but the real reason Michael Voris doesn't fly Old Glory is because he's actually a secret Vatican agent bent on world domaination. As such he's pretty much a superhero 'round these parks. So unless you want to get locked up in the lame board and tortured by never ending images of Ponies, I suggest you learn a little respect.

But seriously ANOTHER Michael Voris thread? We basically giving him free commercial time.

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So you don't vote either or pay taxes?


I don't do either since I'm sixteen, but what part of "participate in American holidays and law" confused you? Participating in American law implies I (will) pay taxes.

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You have yet to explain how only flying the Vatican flag is an insult to veterans. 


The Vatican is an independent country, but it is not a nation-state. It is representative of all Catholics. Flying only the Vatican flag isn't some sort of anti-patriotism. It just indicates that the person flying it cares more for their faith than for their state. It doesn't mean that they disrespect the soldiers of the state that they live in, it means that they have more respect for the martyrs for the faith.


I love and care deeply for this country, I go out of my way to thank people in uniform, but at the end of the day, I'm a Catholic first, last and always. I can foresee a time when I might renounce the state, especially if tides continue to move in the way that they are. 


But i will never recant my faith, so help me God. Amen.

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Now that I've had my fun.


I certainly understand why someone who risked his life in the US military would be upset over what he considers disrespect to soldiers.


But I believe you assume too much about the motivation. To me, my opposition to war is respectful of soldiers. As I said, the flag means many things, to me. But that's me. Others see it differently.

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I don't do either since I'm sixteen, but what part of "participate in American holidays and law" confused you? Participating in American law implies I (will) pay taxes.


That explains alot.  My prayers for your parents.

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Well as a teacher I know some students who don't say the pledge of allegiance for their own reasons, but they love our country very much.

I know a Quaker who refuses to fight for his country, but he is quite willing to die for his country should the time come. He is as good an American as any. I think the external litmus test is a bad idea and it reeks of Soviet politics.



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That explains alot.  My prayers for your parents.


I don't really see why you need to be praying for my parents (Though if you would like, that would be wonderful. They could use them). I'm Catholic. That embodies who I am completely. Where I live does matter. I thank veterans whenever I see them, and heck, I wanted to join the Marines for years (You can even find a thread about it). I just don't see why not pledging undying loyalty to America is such an obscene thing.

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Now that I've had my fun.


I certainly understand why someone who risked his life in the US military would be upset over what he considers disrespect to soldiers.


But I believe you assume too much about the motivation. To me, my opposition to war is respectful of soldiers. As I said, the flag means many things, to me. But that's me. Others see it differently.


I hate war and pray for peace everyday as any sane warrior does.  If you read the CM's response, it never states a reason for only fllying the Vatican flag as many here have given valid reasons for.  That in itself is disrespectful


God Bless.

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I don't really see why you need to be praying for my parents (Though if you would like, that would be wonderful. They could use them). I'm Catholic. That embodies who I am completely. Where I live does matter. I thank veterans whenever I see them, and heck, I wanted to join the Marines for years (You can even find a thread about it). I just don't see why not pledging undying loyalty to America is such an obscene thing.



Your sixteen, let me know how you feel in 10 years.

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