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Disappointed In Lack Of Respect For Americans Warriors

Knot Wize

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I was cruising around Church Militant TV's and Father Z's sites looking for some in-depth information on Pope Francis when I found ChurchMilitant.tv instagrams.  One pict was a large Vatican flag.  What was noticble was it was the only flag on the pole, no American flag was shown.


I sent ChurchMilitant.TV an e-mail with my concern and information on US law regarding how to fly the Flag.  Hoping Old Glory just wasn't shown in the picture.  Well is wasn't shown because it is being flown.  Only the Vatican flag flies over ChurchMlitant.


Below is their response.  As retired military who has lost friends and loved ones to the War on Terror,  I'm a little sensitive about flying our Flag and disappointed in their response.


So... Right or wrong?  What do you think about flying ONLY the flag of a foriegn country?



See for yourself.


The #Vatican flag stands proudly outside our studio.



My question:

To: Contact@ChurchMilitant.TV

Subject: Flying the Vatican Flag
I appreciate your pride in flying the Vatican Flag (per Instagram) but you are still within the United States and should be respectful of what it entitles you.  Unless you are a Vatican consolute or other official representative, there is United States Code regarding the flying of flags:  http://www.afa.org/members/uscode.asp which includes:........   (Quotes from Law)
Please show the proper respect and fly them both properly.



FROM Simon Rafe TO You


Dear “Not Wise”,
Thanks for your email. The Code you provide the link to is, of course, only relevant to the flying of the flag of the United States of America. We are not flying the US flag, hence that code isn’t relevant.
The particular provisions you cite concern flying other flags with the flag of the United States of America – specifically, flying them higher or to the right of the US flag. We have no US flag flown here, so those provisions are irrelevant.
There is nothing in the code you cite which says we are not permitted to fly the Vatican flag on its own, or that we must fly the US flag alongside the Vatican flag.

God bless,
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Nihil Obstat

I see nothing morally wrong with flying the Vatican flag alone. Why on earth should they be compelled to fly the American flag?

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Nihil Obstat

We'll, this is the United States...

I do not see why this compels anyone to fly the American flag.
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its a tradition that the Vatican flag is in one little corner of the church and the American flag is in the other little corner.


i don't know, haven't we gotten to a point where American Catholics no longer have to prove their loyalty to the state?

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Why should anyone have to prove their loyalty to the state exactly? I understand Catholics have done it primarily because of previous persecution in which we have been accused of being un-patriotic. But then, we do not require mosques to fly the flag of the USA.


I think that it's just fine for people to not be flying the stars and stripes. I don't have one in my house. Love for country does not require displaying the flag. We put one up on the 4th of July. That's about all.

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Nihil Obstat

Also I fail to see any substantive connection between flying or not flying the flag, and the military.

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for a non-Catholic, seeing an American fly  just a Vatican flag might have the same impact as seeing an American fly just a Chinese flag.


but my understanding is that Voris is geared towards Catholics who would get the significance. am I right?



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for a non-Catholic, seeing an American fly  just a Vatican flag might have the same impact as seeing an American fly just a Chinese flag.


but my understanding is that Voris is geared towards Catholics who would get the significance. am I right?


I understand some people are awfully sensitive. But some of the same people who get riled about flying just a Chinese flag are the same people who would fly just a confederate flag.

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We'll, this is  these are the United States...




And precisely why no one should be compelled to fly the flag. And the states need to start flying theirs at the same level, or, preferably, above.

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Nihil Obstat

for a non-Catholic, seeing an American fly just a Vatican flag might have the same impact as seeing an American fly just a Chinese flag.

but my understanding is that Voris is geared towards Catholics who would get the significance. am I right?

Even if not, I an rather inclined to say "who cares?"
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Oh, and the flag code isn't law. You can't use violence to compel people to fly the flag. Tough shyte.

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for a non-Catholic, seeing an American fly  just a Vatican flag might have the same impact as seeing an American fly just a Chinese flag.


but my understanding is that Voris is geared towards Catholics who would get the significance. am I right?


Indeed, you are right. Michael Voris and the people at ChurchMilitant.TV will tell you they are Catholic first and American second, and that their allegiance is primarily to the Church, and only secondarily to the country. They can take away their allegiance at any time to the country, whereas they would never take away their allegiance to the Church. The people I have run into that are mostly offended by this are Protestants that are American first and Protestant second, which in that case, the guys at ChurchMilitant.TV are never tickled more than when a Protestant is offended by something they believe in.

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Nihil Obstat

Indeed, you are right. Michael Voris and the people at ChurchMilitant.TV will tell you they are Catholic first and American second, and that their allegiance is primarily to the Church, and only secondarily to the country. They can take away their allegiance at any time to the country, whereas they would never take away their allegiance to the Church. The people I have run into that are mostly offended by this are Protestants that are American first and Protestant second, which in that case, the guys at ChurchMilitant.TV are never tickled more than when a Protestant is offended by something they believe in.

As much as it displeased me to prop the likes of you ( :| ), I always appreciate those with the guys to stand up and say Church before country".
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And if you were in another country you could get shot if you tried to fly a foreign flag.  The American flag stands for the right to exercise their freedom of speech AND religion.  That is why churches have both flags, respsect for the rights this country entitles them to and the people who died to give them that right. 


It's called simple respect.


P.S. - The response from Churchmilitant came from a staffer from England.  I'd like to hear what the owner has to say..

Edited by Knot Wize
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