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Adam & Eve And The Tree Of Knowledge Of Good & Evil

Fidei Defensor

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Fidei Defensor

An honestly curious question — the Bible says that God forbid Adam and Eve from eating of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" (Gen. 2:17.) However, if they didn't gain that knowledge until they ate of the tree, how were they supposed to know it was wrong to disobey God?


I've always assumed that a direct order from God must trump all else… but are there any other explanations?

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An honestly curious question — the Bible says that God forbid Adam and Eve from eating of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" (Gen. 2:17.) However, if they didn't gain that knowledge until they ate of the tree, how were they supposed to know it was wrong to disobey God?


I've always assumed that a direct order from God must trump all else… but are there any other explanations?



I believe that we look at "know" in its deeper sense, i.e. know as to experience.


Correct, knowledge here is experience for the lack of a better word. Holy Scripture often uses the words knowledge, know, knew and so forth in a similar manner. Such as the marriage act, for example, Genesis 4:1 "And Adam knew Eve his wife: who conceived and brought forth Cain, saying: I have gotten a man through God." Adam was aware of his wife Eve before the marriage act, but the marriage act profoundly changed their relationship and 'knowledge' of one another.

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If you look in revelations the same tree is desrcibed and in heaven the saved partake in it and its leaves are used for medecine...The way I understand it once adam and eve used the tree their eyes were "opened" and they became aware of right and wrong...They also were filled with guilt...They were naked before they used the tree but they had no problem with that...Once they used the tree of knowledge they "realised" they were naked and then covered up...They should of listened to the Most High and eventualy He pry would of let them partake in the tree of knowledge of good and evil...But they jumped the gun...Such is life...

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An honestly curious question — the Bible says that God forbid Adam and Eve from eating of the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" (Gen. 2:17.) However, if they didn't gain that knowledge until they ate of the tree, how were they supposed to know it was wrong to disobey God?


I've always assumed that a direct order from God must trump all else… but are there any other explanations?


Jesus does trump all.


That's why the Holy Scripture is so important.


Bible= Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth


Adam and Eve had it made in the Garden. Then looked what happened. It also is an important lesson on how tricky satan can be in deceiving us. 

I always fall for satans lies. Especially when he plays with my heartstrings.

We gotta be tough, wise as serpents and gentle as doves. 

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