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Joe Biden Really A Catholic?


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Who ain't a misguided Catholic?

If we were guided correctly we would be the latter day Saints.


The priest at my church refused to give Biden the magic wafer, but he still got it from the Eucharist minister in the back of the church.


If you are a Catholic, you can't run the country with a mormon or an muzzie. You could become an episcopalian though.


Voting for a mormon would be like Jesus Christ voting for governor of Jewsalem. 


Nobody. But saying "magic wafer" is so entirely screwed up that you might make me look good, in comparison.

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I do not believe Biden is misguided. I believe he knows Church teaching, but does not believe or believes and chooses to not comply,

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I do not believe Biden is misguided. I believe he knows Church teaching, but does not believe or believes and chooses to not comply,


He said quite clearly at the vice-presidential debate that he knew what the Church said about abortion and personally believed it, but he refuses to "impose his beliefs on others." In essence: I don't really care what the Church says. Do what you want.

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I read this today:

Vice President Joe Biden joked today that his soul might be in jeopardy if he misses a scheduled reception with the U.S. Cardinals in Rome.

"We invited the American cardinals to a reception," Biden told Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic during a bilateral meeting today, according to the print pool reports. "So unless I'm prepared to join the Eastern Orthodox Church, as a Roman Catholic, I'd better show up or I'll lose my soul."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/biden-jokes-ill-lose-soul-misses-cardinal-reception-185806382--abc-news-politics.html


And I thought to myself, does he even have a soul?*


*Not to be taken too literally.

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I read this today:

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/biden-jokes-ill-lose-soul-misses-cardinal-reception-185806382--abc-news-politics.html


And I thought to myself, does he even have a soul?*


*Not to be taken too literally.

I guess Biden is one of those people where you have to forgive him because he just don't know any better.


But perhaps the Cardinals should smack him a few times and tell him what it is to be a defender of Faith.

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You forgot that i also said "muzzie".

Antisemitism includes arabs too. duh.


If you never seen Jewsalem, then well, i'm sorry for your luck.

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You forgot that i also said "muzzie".

Antisemitism includes arabs too. duh.


If you never seen Jewsalem, then well, i'm sorry for your luck.


Donny, you're out of your element.

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He said quite clearly at the vice-presidential debate that he knew what the Church said about abortion and personally believed it, but he refuses to "impose his beliefs on others." In essence: I don't really care what the Church says. Do what you want.



See beginning at 6:00 mark. (warning:  some unwholesome language prior to 6:00 mark).

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