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Is It Important?


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Is it really important whether the composition of the scripture today is different from the originals? (Considering there are many alterations, deletions, erroneous translations or whatever from the original letters).


On the other hand, if it is not important. How can you possibly know the truth and how can you have ‘true knowledge’ if all your sacred books are edited versions from the originals?



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That is why Authority is SO important. If we all are left to interpret for ourselves, the world would have billions of Bible translations.



PS - Most people that go into UNC-CH come out non-believers. Pretty standard there.

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Tertullian’s view as against Marcion’s view on Book of Luke. (Which is a Docetic Book).

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That is why Authority is SO important. If we all are left to interpret for ourselves, the world would have billions of Bible translations.



PS - Most people that go into UNC-CH come out non-believers. Pretty standard there.


Is it important or not? (I mean, having the original rather than altered version).

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So what will happen if the book you are now reading really have alterations, deletions or whatever from the original copy? 

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When will you be answering these questions Reyb?


KnightofChrist, on 12 Mar 2013 - 10:29, said:

    When you saw the Lord Jesus Christ what happened? Did you fall at His as dead?


KnightofChrist, on 12 Mar 2013 - 10:42, said:

    But did you actually fall down as if dead? Did your hair turn white as snow? Were you struck with fear? What did His face look like?


Apotheoun, on 12 Mar 2013 - 11:24, said:

    Prove to me that you saw Jesus.

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When will you be answering these questions Reyb?


KnightofChrist, on 12 Mar 2013 - 10:29, said:

    When you saw the Lord Jesus Christ what happened? Did you fall at His as dead?


KnightofChrist, on 12 Mar 2013 - 10:42, said:

    But did you actually fall down as if dead? Did your hair turn white as snow? Were you struck with fear? What did His face look like?


Apotheoun, on 12 Mar 2013 - 11:24, said:

    Prove to me that you saw Jesus.


I already answered these questions many times. When he comes, I died although I am still living. My body turns into another body - a glorified body which is not mine.


About proof of being a witness: My word is my proof and no more than that. I have no ability to show or reveal or make known Jesus Christ to anyone because ‘God alone can reveal his Christ’. Yes, you can make such comment that I have no solid proof of being a true witness of Jesus Christ since the ‘evidence’ you are looking for or asking from me is different from what I can give to you. The ‘evidence’ you want to hear is whatever you ‘picture’ in your head how Jesus Christ looked like and its majestic coming as you interpreted the book of revelation which is in fact still a mystery to you. So, how can be your own 'picture' of Jesus Christ become my 'proof' of what I saw.  That is why, you are saying I have no solid evidence. While on my part, I will not accept your 'expected' evidence to be my proof. 


Of course, you can make a comment that I am not a true witness of Lord Jesus Christ and you are free to do it. But I can make my own testimony which is my only ‘proof’ of being a true witness. And when somebody saw Jesus Christ the way I saw Him because of that ‘proof’. Then and only then, he will surely believe me that I am a true witness because that letter is also a letter of confirmation on what he saw.


And then, in the course of events in his life, he will make his own testimony for the same reason and purpose I have now.


To make the story short, you are already dead and without rest seeking reasons endlessly and you will never find it there because the time of salvation is Today. If this 'Today' was gone, you let go your day of salvation too. Thus, as of now, I can only say ‘seek the real one through the letters of these people who saw Jesus Christ and meditate on them’. Because, when your faith is gone (and it will go whether you like it or not) or when the very thing that give you peace – which is faith – is gone, and this day which is  â€˜Today’ or day of salvation is consummated or gone too. Then, you will forever restless in seeking for peace. We are a ‘soul’ or an entity with ability to think wherever we are. We can only sleep but our mind will always be with us. As I have told you 'when he comes I died and yet I am still living. Cannot you imagine the restlessness I will have if I was 6ft under the group but still 'living'?


As Immanuel Kant said ‘Human reason has a peculiar fate in one kind of its cognitions: it is troubled by questions that it cannot dismiss, because they are posed to it by the nature of reason itself, but that it also cannot answer, because they surpass human reason's every ability.


Meaning, you are a soul having a restless mind forever if you will fail to see Him now. 

Edited by reyb
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........and yet I am still living. Cannot you imagine the restlessness I will have if I was 6ft under the ground but still 'living'?




Sorry for word 'group' which should be 'ground'.

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Apo said:
Reyb, you keep quoting scripture, which really makes no sense if you accept Dr. Ehrman's views, because he holds that the book of Acts and the Gospel of John (along with the other Gospels) are forged texts written generations after Christ, and as such they cannot be trusted. You are - once again - being logically inconsistent. Please stop quoting texts as sources that you in fact reject as spurious.


I am not telling anybody to lose their trust to the Scripture. But you must see it. If you have different opinion about his claim then, you must lay your reasons why his claim is wrong. Otherwise, your claim means nothing to others who have an ‘unbiased’ judgement about this issue. Actually, he is just showing historical facts on how Marcion composed his book as against Catholic composition as well as its possible (or factual) alterations, deletions, additions, erroneous translation, misquotation or whatever of one copy to another.


To me, it is not important whether Marcion edited some parts on the original letter or Catholics added some verses to the original or we do not have the original 'wording' of these letters anymore. It is immaterial to me because you can still see Jesus if only you will seek Him on these letters.


But there is a clear distinction between these two groups which is their problems even at that early time and that is, the question of  â€˜What kind of body Jesus has.’

Edited by reyb
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Who says they are edited versions?

I recently saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. The book of Tobit was included.


The Holy Scripture is simply : Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. (B-i-b-l-e)

If we did not have The Word, we wouldn't have a reference to fall back on.


If it was edited too much, there would be passages that would lead us into sin.


Some people use exegesis and others use eisegesis. 


Btw, i replied without watching your video.

Buona Fortuna!

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Who says they are edited versions?

I recently saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. The book of Tobit was included.


The Holy Scripture is simply : Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. (B-i-b-l-e)

If we did not have The Word, we wouldn't have a reference to fall back on.


If it was edited too much, there would be passages that would lead us into sin.


Some people use exegesis and others use eisegesis. 


Btw, i replied without watching your video.

Buona Fortuna!

Please do it

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I won't. I'm wasting time being on this forum and that's enough. lol


But what are you trying to get at? Non capisco.


What would you do if you didn't have Holy Scripture?


And why do you think it is edited? Sure the language is translated, but it's not plagiarized like the koran where they make everyone

an arab instead of a jew.




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I won't. I'm wasting time being on this forum and that's enough. lol


But what are you trying to get at? Non capisco.


What would you do if you didn't have Holy Scripture?


And why do you think it is edited? Sure the language is translated, but it's not plagiarized like the koran where they make everyone

an arab instead of a jew.


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