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Life After College 3: More Rants And Revelations


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Hey missy did you see the NYT had to issue a correction because they failed Christian Fact Checking 101?


Correction: April 1, 2013
    An earlier version of this article mischaracterized the Christian holiday of Easter. It is the celebration of Jesus’s resurrection from the dead, not his resurrection into heaven

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The math class one is kinda like me trying to do math. :|


I redeemed myself as an Italian tonight and had risotto for the first time. Soooo good.


Well... you have arrived!!!!   And it is super easy to make, too!!!  ;)

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uh huh. 


And yesterday, there was a 'mistaken' headline that there had been a 'shooting at Easter Mass' rather than a a 'mass shooting at an Easter Service in a Protestant church' on Yahoo....


Fortunately neither was accurate....


Sadly, one man was killed at the Easter Service... and we should pray for him and his son, who was the shooter... but the fact checking???

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Yessum, annie is not nuts.  (cinnamon rolls, yes, nuts, no....)   Unfortunately Yahoo News fixed the typos, but some bright bulb actually posted a HEADLINE that there was a shooting at the Easter Mass.... except it was suposed to be a 'mass shooting' at an 'Easter Service' in a protestant Church.    Which some enterprising Catholic editor or writer must have re-written as an 'easter Mass Shooting'  or some such thing.  However, has now been revised to 'Easter Shooting at a Church'.  


Really bad writing, was my point.


However, I figger they can use our prayers, yes?  (spelling intentional, btw....)

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Hey night shift, Brian is very much in need of prayers right now. Thanks for joining me in prayer...

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Thanks, you guys. It was a pleasant surprise to wake up to those texts. :blowkiss: Still haven't heard from him, though. 

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Anytime.   'Night Shift' makes sense -- my friend T. and I pray Evening Prayer each night about 10:30pm pacific time, so if you have any intentions, we check Prayer Room (and other places!) during the intercessions.... and that way the ENTIRE CHURCH from Pope Francis on down are praying.... do the same in the morning for Morning Prayer!  ;)


So it isn't just Annie a-praying... there were millions of us!  Glad you're feeling better, Brian!



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So teach my song to rise to You

When temptation comes my way...

When I cannot stand I'll fall on You,

Jesus, You're my hope and stay.


Lord, I need You, oh I need You, every hour I need you...<3




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Missy, Audrey Assad easily surpassed her kickstarter goal to do actual music you could sing during Mass. :)

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Yeah, Pho, I've been following that! I'm not sure what it'll turn out to be but I'm super excited. 


Did you know she's got a side project going with a band, too? They're called LEVV. 




She's going to be on Long Island for July 4th weekend. There's a youth conference up there at one of the universities. I teased Brian that I want to come up to stay for a few days again, but not for him ... I want to see her. :hehe: Still trying to work out the details, but I'm hoping Dad will be up for the drive. 

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Transitive property:




Love is about sacrifice.




Making sacrifices is such a sucky, painful process.






I wonder if I'll ever start getting even a little better at this selflessness thing. God, please help me. I have no idea what I'm doing. :\

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If you keep your eyes on the sacrifices, yes, can feel overwealming.


If you keep your eyes on the one(s) you love... you don't notice the sacrifices...


"Lord, help me keep my eyes where they belong.  Thank you!  Amen."

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