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Life After College 3: More Rants And Revelations


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Ah... the joys of wedding planning.  I do SO remember.


A STRONG suggestion.... block yourselves a few retreat weekends away BEFORE the wedding now.  Individually, maybe one you both could share.  There will be a lot (A LOT!!!!!) of craziness during those weeks before the ceremony (this is only a foretaste, as Papist hinted....) and you will need time to recharge your batteries AND remember why you ever thought you wanted to do this (have a big wedding, not marry each other...!)

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I am officially back from my pseudo vacation so lovely. Got a tan, gained some weight from eating myself silly, played lots of video games, baked in Adoration more this week than I had in a whole year...

Brian's uncle was ordained a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Saturday. What a great Mass! Later that afternoon, he opened his presents and someone gave him the Book of Blessings. He gave us the blessing for engaged couples in the middle of his kitchen surrounded by some of our family. It was beautiful and very special for us.


What did they send, Cat?

webcam :|

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Dude. I'm not. Idk how my life got so freakin' busy. 



Maybe friday if I get my house cleaned in time. lol. 

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I also like blue. I look really good in green, too.


We ate well in the P. house tonight. It's Daddy P.'s birthday. Mom P. made chicken parm, risotto and Jersey asparagus ... and I've heard we have apple pie in the house.


Someday, I hope to be half as much of a boss as my mom is in the kitchen. Haha. Brian missed out!

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I also like blue. I look really good in green, too.


We ate well in the P. house tonight. It's Daddy P.'s birthday. Mom P. made chicken parm, risotto and Jersey asparagus ... and I've heard we have apple pie in the house.


Someday, I hope to be half as much of a boss as my mom is in the kitchen. Haha. Brian missed out!


You ate in the P house?  :x

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Wise words from the master (C.S. Lewis):


I believe that any Christian who is qualified to write a good popular book on any science may do much more by that than by any direct apologetic work…. We can make people often attend to the Christian point of view for half an hour or so; but the moment they have gone away from our lecture or laid down our article, they are plunged back into a world where the opposite position is taken for granted….What we want is not more little books about Christianity, but more little books by Christians on other subjects—with their Christianity latent. You can see this most easily if you look at it the other way around. Our faith is not very likely to be shaken by any book on Hinduism. But if whenever we read an elementary book on Geology, Botany, Politics, or Astronomy, we found that its implications were Hindu, that would shake us. It is not the books written in direct defense of Materialism that make the modern man a materialist; it is the materialistic assumptions in all the other books. In the same way, it is not books on Christianity that will really trouble him. But he would be troubled if, whenever he wanted a cheap popular introduction to some science, the best work on the market was always by a Christian.


Thanks to Papist for this lovely gem.

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B, I think we'll be in Charlotte on Aug. 31 but I just got an email that Matt Maher's gonna be in Sewell.

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And another gem, this time from catching up on the Catechism for the Year of Faith. It's one form of absolution in the Byzantine Rite.


"May the same God, who through the Prophet Nathan forgave David when he confessed his sins, who forgave Peter when he wept bitterly, the prostitute when she washed his feet with her tears, the publican, and the prodigal son, through me, a sinner, forgive you both in this life and in the next and enable you to appear before his awe-inspiring tribunal without condemnation, he who is blessed for ever and ever. Amen."

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B, I think we'll be in Charlotte on Aug. 31 but I just got an email that Matt Maher's gonna be in Sewell.

Are you kidding???? Cuz that's after my birthday. if i work *realllllllllllly* hard, I *might* be able to rent a car. 




Just sayin

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