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The Spread Of Americanism


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Autumn Dusk

I don't know you, but your humorless, stick-in-the-mud response to the previous post means I'm likely going to enjoy torturing you in the near future.


Kujo.  Please get back into favor with dUst so I can prop you!!!

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You can't prop the phishy on phatmass.  Kujo needs to come up of whatever closest he's in.


Hmmm, if I was phishy, I don't think I'd post here on Fridays of Lent...

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I would seriously consider installing one someday, if Katy does not veto the idea. :hehe:


rotfl dont forget the slippers

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You look like a douchey Texan.

You look like Mike Tyson addicted to crack.

Edited by r2Dtoo
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I honestly think it's a tragedy. Beautiful cultures like Japan are being washed away by American culture, and that's pretty depressing. I don't see why rich cultures want to be like America.


I thought you were talking about the Americanism and Modernism that affected the Church. lol

I'm tired of being an envelope number and disgusted with the parochial/Catholic schools (elementary through college) catering to the fortunate, not the unfortunate.


I hope Pope Francesco saves the Church from Americanism and Modernism! 

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I honestly think it's a tragedy. Beautiful cultures like Japan are being washed away by American culture, and that's pretty depressing. I don't see why rich cultures want to be like America.

Japan is a bit of a dicey example. Centuries of isolationism led to racially motivated violence on a massive scale, and there have been some dramatic improvements since it's opened up to the world. Did you know they no longer worship an emperor? Speaking of worship- Japan has retained several key parts of its identity. The American diet never caught on (which is great for Japan) and hardly anyone ever converted to Christianity. Now, Japan did become very good at building cars and robots, but they also controlled their own path and made it their own. And in fairness, no one was building cars or robots three hundred years ago- some of this has more to do with the progression of time than it has to do with America.

Anyway. I see some bad, but a lot of good. And some that just is what it is. I also see a distinct Japanese culture and identity, which includes some xenophobia and lack of openness to decent sized immigrant populations- and this on an island chain with very low fertility. In some ways, Japan could do itself a favor by being a bit more like America. In other ways, it's good to hold off.
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I don't see why rich cultures want to be like America.


What do you want to bet that it has to do with money, power, and good marketing by the people who have those?

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We're all living in America,
America is wunderbar.
We're all living in America,
Amerika, Amerika...



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