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Applause During Mass


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My parish has an awful habit of applauding after almost any guest speaker there to ask for donations before Mass is over.  For some reason, no one applauded the Palestinian Catholic this past weekend who spoke of how "the Zionist government has built a wall around Bethlehem, 20 feet high and has cut off most of our water".

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Is there anything I, as a lay parishioner, can do about this when my bishop is the same way? He recently visited our parish and made the congregation applaud during Mass (before the closing blessing and song) for our pastor and assistant pastor and our campus ministers, so that was about 7 consecutive rounds of applause. 


If my bishop won't do anything to fix this, is there anything else I can do?

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Nihil Obstat

Is there anything I, as a lay parishioner, can do about this when my bishop is the same way? He recently visited our parish and made the congregation applaud during Mass (before the closing blessing and song) for our pastor and assistant pastor and our campus ministers, so that was about 7 consecutive rounds of applause. 


If my bishop won't do anything to fix this, is there anything else I can do?

Probably not. If it really bothers you it is your right to address him, usually through letter writing, but personally I doubt you would get anywhere with that. :P

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Probably not. If it really bothers you it is your right to address him, usually through letter writing, but personally I doubt you would get anywhere with that. :P



Nothing should occur that takes the focus off the Altar.

I'm in a pickle.


If it was possible, I'd just stop going to this parish, but the nearest Traditional Mass is 45 minutes away and as a college student, I can't afford the gas to get out there. And they only offer Sunday Mass. 

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Nihil Obstat

I'm in a pickle.


If it was possible, I'd just stop going to this parish, but the nearest Traditional Mass is 45 minutes away and as a college student, I can't afford the gas to get out there. And they only offer Sunday Mass. 

Certainly you would not be wrong to try writing some letters. Probably start with the pastor, then the bishop only afterwards. And it goes without saying that they need to be remarkably tactful and non-accusatory.

I am simply a little bit cynical, and think it is unlikely that you would be taken seriously to the point that the problem is stopped. But if it is becoming an issue for you, by all means it is worth a shot.

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I'm in a pickle.


If it was possible, I'd just stop going to this parish, but the nearest Traditional Mass is 45 minutes away and as a college student, I can't afford the gas to get out there. And they only offer Sunday Mass. 


Well, you are not attending the Mass b/c of its calamities. Just have have to work extra hard staying focused. I ache for you b/c I know how it is to attend a liturgy while recognizing additions and/or subtractions.

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Nihil Obstat

I left the parish in which I grew up because of so many little things that added up over time. Frequent applause and incompetent music were two big ones. Over about a year I came to have a much much stronger attachment to the traditional Mass, and I am happier for it.

But I also am very lucky that there is one (technically two) within reasonable driving distance. My diocese does not do liturgy well, so I do feel your pain.

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Certainly you would not be wrong to try writing some letters. Probably start with the pastor, then the bishop only afterwards. And it goes without saying that they need to be remarkably tactful and non-accusatory.

I am simply a little bit cynical, and think it is unlikely that you would be taken seriously to the point that the problem is stopped. But if it is becoming an issue for you, by all means it is worth a shot.

Yeah, I'm not optimistic about it either. :(


Well, you are not attending the Mass b/c of its calamities. Just have have to work extra hard staying focused. I ache for you b/c I know how it is to attend a liturgy while recognizing additions and/or subtractions.

Thank you for your empathy; it really is so disheartening to see the Eucharistic liturgy--the holiest thing on this Earth--abused. 

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What I get annoyed by is if you directly quote a Church document on the liturgy which says what is or is not permitted at mass and then being accused of being "legalistic" or "arrogant."

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I left the parish in which I grew up because of so many little things that added up over time. Frequent applause and incompetent music were two big ones. Over about a year I came to have a much much stronger attachment to the traditional Mass, and I am happier for it.

But I also am very lucky that there is one (technically two) within reasonable driving distance. My diocese does not do liturgy well, so I do feel your pain.

Every time I 'assist' at the TLM, my affection for it deepens. Unfortunately, I can only go about once a month, and the rest of the time I'm stuck at this novus ordo parish with this silly nonsense going on. I don't mind the novus ordo if it is celebrated reverently and without liturgical abuse (the two go hand-in-hand), but it seems that is all too hard to find near me. This diocese doesn't do liturgy well either. Thank you for your empathy as well! 


What I get annoyed by is if you directly quote a Church document on the liturgy which says what is or is not permitted at mass and then being accused of being "legalistic" or "arrogant."


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What I get annoyed by is if you directly quote a Church document on the liturgy which says what is or is not permitted at mass and then being accused of being "legalistic" or "arrogant."


Does anyone have any responses to such accusations?

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In the United States it is appropriate to applaud after the calling of candidates for Holy Orders, when every one says "Thanks be to God." (The rubrics do not give specific signs of assent, but that's a traditional American way of doing it).

Okay, I'm done trolling.

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We clapped for the RCIA candidates this past Sunday...I don't really remember exactly what for because they're still candidates.  I always feel uncomfortable clapping in church (although I've never been to a priest's ordination or any similar ceremony).


When I went to church with my sister in Florida the parish clapped for something that I don't recall anymore but I said I thought it was inappropriate in Mass and she told me I think everything is inappropriate   :hehe2:

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