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Ah yes, the "holier than thou" accusation! When you think about it it's really the best tool to stifle any grassroot regeneration of the Church. We live in a Democratic society (well, at least in appearances) and equality is a big thing on our minds. For the most part equality is good but sometimes it can work in a negative fashion. To equalize a community you generally look for the common denominator among the masses, some will be more equal than others, and there will be those who excell in certain charachteristics. The talented will generally be ostracized because they introduce inequality into the community. So you being a sincere Catholic lady wanting to wear a mantilla is seen as an abberation, you're departing from the local masses which quite frankly don't give a hoot about the externals. You striving to be more serious about your faith is seen as pride but in reality it's revealing the insecurities of your onlookers. They are content in their lukewarm ways and the Church continues to be paralized top to bottom. The top is impotent in enforcing the proper standards and the bottom is apathetic towards them. We're caught in a mortal stagnation that promotes an ongoing decay of the Church and eventual demise of what we know to be Roman Catholicism. Now I know the "Gates of Hell won't prevail" but we can't rest our hope on some miracle or that our Hierachs will wake up some day and do something about it. We need Catholics who don't want to be average, who are non conformists to our contemporary culture, and who have the fortitute to challenge it. Challenge the lamer in the pew who has no respect for the Mass, make him feel uncomfortable! Make the immodest women feel insecure! The fight has to start somewhere, and it's obviously not going to come from the top so it's up to us lay people to do something. If such Catholics were to simply practice and network among eachother that common denominator might be raised to include proper reverance and faithfulness!



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