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Today’s Christians Are All Idolaters


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I want you to realize that Jesus Christ can only be made known by God alone (Luke 10:22). Meaning, even a true witness of God has no capability to reveal the Christ of God to anyone because God alone can do it.  So, from whom did you get your vision and postulation that the Christ of God is the historical Jesus? This is my only intention in exposing your erroneous belief because you must wake up and give way to God and let Him reveal his Christ to you otherwise you will remain worshipping God thru this historical Jesus Christ which is actually in violation of God’s commandment.

Again, I am saying Christians today are all idolaters because you are worshipping God thru this historical Jesus which you have learned not from God’s revelation but from your tradition  -  this tradition which comes from a rumor or ‘word of mouth’ during the days of your early fathers announcing that ‘the day of the lord has already come’. (see Oral  Dependence http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14389b.htm).

So, again from whom did you get your vision and postulation that the Christ of God is the historical Jesus? (Because even Luke is not referring to this historical Jesus)

This is to Groo,

I know that you are aware of Luke 10:22 but still you believe with all your heart that this historical Jesus is the true Christ of God .

So, are you not deceiving yourself in doing it? (Because after you accept the fact that only God can reveal his Christ nonetheless you still believe that Christ can be revealed by anyone since you accepted this historical Jesus who is obviously started from your early fathers).


Again. Do you really believe that God alone can reveal His Christ or not?



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Is this a "when did you come to personal faith in Jesus" thing?


No. I am not talking about time of  â€˜conversion’ or ‘realization’ but believing in this historical Jesus as the Christ of God. 


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I was baptized at two months old. My father died when I was six months old in a car accident. At five I started being abused by the father of a friend.I went to church (Catholic) every week, but our practice was still pretty lax. I wasn't especially bothered by being molested by my friend's dad at first (I was little and part of the shame and sickness of child abuse is that sexual stimulation feels "good"), but then he started hurting me. I live in the South so it's pretty hard to not hear a lot about Jesus, some true, some not true, but the big thematic point of Southern religiosity is that Jesus loves you more than you love yourself and that that love isn't some weak intellectualized, overly spiritualized thing--it's immediate, primal, raw, and real. In my pain as a sexually abused five year old with a dead dad I called on the Name of Jesus. I asked Him to love me. I begged him to be my protector and to save me from a world I had already discovered was cold, cruel, and full of every kind of filth and destructiveness anyone can imagine. He answered me immediately and in a radical and positively Biblical way. The man who came to destroy me, to kill my innocence, my sanity, and maybe even my body had pushed me into the Arms I've never left since. And my God sent the man who had harmed me and his truck over the side of a bridge. My God answered me when I called Him--and I do not journey far away from Him. If your Jesus isn't my Jesus, then you worship a liar and a fraud. The One I serve is gentle, loving, kind, and beautiful; but still the Conqueror of Hell, the Vanquisher of Dead Deeds,   "Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." He is no idol and take care Reyb lest you fall into the hands of the Living God; the one who isn't some man's fantasy, the Name that's set above every name. I do not need some weird rambling posts about whatever God your building for yourself. My God saved me from physical destruction on this earth and will save me from the torments of Hell. He comes to me in dreams, speaks in my heart if I'm quiet for more than five minutes, and is honestly the source of anything good in me and the Goal that I reach for in almost every action I take. He sits on my tongue, trickles down my throat, almost physically hugs and holds me. I neither know nor care what you're talking about. I want to "apprehend that which has apprehended me."

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The Vast Ocean Begins Just Outside Our Church: The Eucharist

by Mary Gordon

Something has happened
to the bread
and the wine.


They have been blessed.
What now?

The body leans forward

to receive the gift
from the priest’s hand,
then the chalice.


They are something else now
from what they were
before this began.

I want
to see Jesus,
maybe in the clouds


or on the shore,
just walking,
beautiful man


and clearly
someone else

On the hard days
I ask myself
if I ever will.


Also there are times
my body whispers to me
that I have.

Edited by Evangetholic
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I was baptized at two months old. My father died when I was six months old in a car accident. At five I started being abused by the father of a friend.I went to church (Catholic) every week, but our practice was still pretty lax. I wasn't especially bothered by being molested by my friend's dad at first (I was little and part of the shame and sickness of child abuse is that sexual stimulation feels "good"), but then he started hurting me. I live in the South so it's pretty hard to not hear a lot about Jesus, some true, some not true, but the big thematic point of Southern religiosity is that Jesus loves you more than you love yourself and that that love isn't some weak intellectualized, overly spiritualized thing--it's immediate, primal, raw, and real. In my pain as a sexually abused five year old with a dead dad I called on the Name of Jesus. I asked Him to love me. I begged him to be my protector and to save me from a world I had already discovered was cold, cruel, and full of every kind of filth and destructiveness anyone can imagine. He answered me immediately and in a radical and positively Biblical way. The man who came to destroy me, to kill my innocence, my sanity, and maybe even my body had pushed me into the Arms I've never left since. And my God sent the man who had harmed me and his truck over the side of a bridge. My God answered me when I called Him--and I do not journey far away from Him. If your Jesus isn't my Jesus, then you worship a liar and a fraud. The One I serve is gentle, loving, kind, and beautiful; but still the Conqueror of Hell, the Vanquisher of Dead Deeds,   "Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." He is no idol and take care Reyb lest you fall into the hands of the Living God; the one who isn't some man's fantasy, the Name that's set above every name. I do not need some weird rambling posts about whatever God your building for yourself. My God saved me from physical destruction on this earth and will save me from the torments of Hell. He comes to me in dreams, speaks in my heart if I'm quiet for more than five minutes, and is honestly the source of anything good in me and the Goal that I reach for in almost every action I take. He sits on my tongue, trickles down my throat, almost physically hugs and holds me. I neither know nor care what you're talking about. I want to "apprehend that which has apprehended me."


You are not alone in that kind of testimony because every deeply devoted believer whatever religious groups they belong tend to feel that same way because of faith. You can see how one man’s judgment react because of faith. But still, you did not answer a simple question.

From whom did you learn that the Christ of God is the historical Jesus? 


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Do you really believe that God alone can reveal His Christ or not?


Will you ever have any other topic to talk about, any topic that isn't about Historical Jesus, or will not turn into a debate about Historical Jesus? This has been a song that doesn't end for years now, and you don't sing any other song.

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Will you ever have any other topic to talk about, any topic that isn't about Historical Jesus, or will not turn into a debate about Historical Jesus? This has been a song that doesn't end for years now, and you don't sing any other song.




You are all totally misunderstood me. I am not simply saying your belief is wrong or unspiritual just like what you are doing to one another (Catholics and Protestants) and I do not unmask your erroneous belief because I want to insult anyone or to elevate myself. Do you think I consider myself inferior to all of you thus I still need to pull myself up? Or are you thinking I consider myself superior to any of you thus I need to humble myself while I am pleading you to seek my Lord? No. I am simply putting myself where I am. I do not consider myself superior or inferior to anyone. I am simply looking you now as if I am looking myself before. I was once like you a deceived and without any hint or knowledge of being an idol worshipper thru this historical Jesus. This is the only reason why I need to inform you. You must be informed the way I expected you to do to me if you are where I am now.  This is the kind of love I will expect from you, which I am now doing.

To tell you frankly, if you are a priest, bishop, pope, pastor, elder or whatever in your church, all your intentions and reasons in preaching the gospel is not my wish and desire. I do not want titles, honors, greetings, tithes, offering, anything and everything you gain in doing it. I do not even seek for a convert because to what particular group I will bring you since I consider the entire humanity belongs to my God? And I do not do this because I want to be saved since I already have an assurance from God himself. So, what do I gain in preaching to you about my Lord? But I want you to realize what I am asking. Do you really believe that God alone can reveal his Christ or not?

With that kind of question, an open-minded person who simply believes in God will understand me that he needs to seek the truth from God himself. 


I have no other issues other than this historical Jesus because you put all your faith, love and hope in this historical Jesus.  


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I would just like to see you talk about something else for once. All these years you've talked of nothing else. You never talk about anything that will not be about Historical Jesus.

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I think you're confused...reyb..


I have been saved, I am currently being saved, and I will be saved in the future by the Lord, Christ.


God indeed revealed Christ-- through Sacred Scriptures and when he made the Christ incarnate in the holy womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary...."and you shall name Him Jesus."

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I would just like to see you talk about something else for once. All these years you've talked of nothing else. You never talk about anything that will not be about Historical Jesus.

I think I already did it. I posted in ‘Drone Strikes Moral?’ Anyway, I really do not posted other things that much because I am just listening and for me that is enough. 

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I think you're confused...reyb..


I have been saved, I am currently being saved, and I will be saved in the future by the Lord, Christ.


God indeed revealed Christ-- through Sacred Scriptures and when he made the Christ incarnate in the holy womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary...."and you shall name Him Jesus."


I am not confuse and I know where you are coming from in saying it since you can only see this historical Jesus as the Christ of God while the other Jesus is still hidden from you (This other Jesus is different from this historical Jesus).

There is a big difference between God’s revelation and tradition although I know that you consider your Tradition as God’s revelation.

Let me put it this way. Did you ever see Jesus Christ the way Apostle Paul and all God’s witnesses like Abraham saw Him? If not then, you just believe that this historical Jesus is the Christ of God. This ‘knowledge’ about historical Jesus was ‘accepted and believed’ to be the ‘revelation’ of God about his Christ and that is ‘only’ according to your early church fathers. This historical Jesus is not from God’s revelation himself because if it is true then you ‘must’ have seen Jesus Christ the way Apostle Paul and all God’s witnesses saw Him. So, the question now is this. Have you truly seen Jesus Christ or not?



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