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Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament Online


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I am curious as to what people's thoughts are on Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament online...like if you cannot get to Eucharistic Adoration is it okay to view it via webcam from a parish?


What are ya'll thoughts???

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Nihil Obstat

There is certainly nothing wrong with it. I would be willing to argue that one does not receive the same graces by viewing an adoration chapel online as opposed to being physically present at one. Similar to how one cannot fulfill their Mass obligation by watching a Mass on tv. But since adoration is not obligatory, it is not a question of law. I might argue that if a confessor assigned time spent in adoration, that it would not be appropriate to complete that using an online source.

But as far as I know there is nothing inherently illicit about it.

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I do not think that there is any harm in watching a video of a Eucharistic chapel, but it is not the equivalent of actually going into a Christian temple in order to worship the Lord's Eucharistic presence.

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I think it's a wonderful thing, especially for the homebound, but still I doubt you can receive the same graces.

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It also would not fulfill any indulgences being offered that might be tied to adoration. Still certainly a way to place yourself in a prayerful setting though

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Isn't it illicit to photograph the Blessed Sacrament in some dioceses? I'm pretty sure I was once in a diocese where that was forbidden...

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Nihil Obstat

Isn't it illicit to photograph the Blessed Sacrament in some dioceses? I'm pretty sure I was once in a diocese where that was forbidden...

I do not know of any actual Church law which forbids it. Perhaps churches that get a lot of tourists ask them to refrain from taking pictures out of respect.

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I had to video adoration for a youth conference once. How did I do it? QUIET AS HECK. Y'all I was terrified. It was for a good reason though. Long story.

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I do not know of any actual Church law which forbids it. Perhaps churches that get a lot of tourists ask them to refrain from taking pictures out of respect.


Nope. I remember now: It was a statement in the bulletin at Mass that said that it was forbidden in the whole diocese to photograph the Blessed Sacrament. Presumably on order of the Bishop. I wish I could remember where that was... It was here in the US. Must have been Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, or Pennsylvania somewhere, cuz I haven't been anywhere else since I became Catholic.

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Nihil Obstat

Nope. I remember now: It was a statement in the bulletin at Mass that said that it was forbidden in the whole diocese to photograph the Blessed Sacrament. Presumably on order of the Bishop. I wish I could remember where that was... It was here in the US. Must have been Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, or Pennsylvania somewhere, cuz I haven't been anywhere else since I became Catholic.


It is most likely within his rights as Ordinary, but it seems rather unusual to me. Like the kind of thing that addresses a specific, out of the ordinary issue.

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In the diocese of Steubenville, flash photography isn't allowed during Masses, but that's the only restriction I've experienced.

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