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Controversy Over A Certian School District


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Many of you might have heard the controversy over a transgender child using a certain bathroom at a Fountain Fort Carson School District School.

I am a Fountain Fort Carson grad and I am very proud of that but ....

This district is conservative in vaules but many of thier teachers tend to be liberal in Ideas and idealogy.I think the "conservative" vaules come from the pressure(enudendo of pressure) from several military bases in the area and the Air Force academy. There is a population(I have no clue what the size) of older students(Jr. High and High) that are very vocal about thier liberal American veiws.  I do have my stance which is totally in line with the Church's teaching. I do feel that either way that there is going to be a back lash. I am praying for the school district.  

I hope you all pray for this as well but do discuss how you all feel about this.

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In before everyone else, the transgendered student (and I do believe in the actual existence of transgenderism) ought be treated with love and compassion. If there is a non-gendered restroom s/he ought be allowed preferential usage of that one; if there is not, then the path of least resistance/pain/controversy would be to use the bathroom associated with their biological sex. I am not likely to follow this thread closely, but I affirm absolute loyalty to the Magisterium of the Church. 

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I do have a freind that is transgender and I have treated them like a normal human and with compassion but it is a controversy and I wanted to bring this to the pham. I really want an open disscussion to this topic.   I actually found this though them and they wanted to let me know that this is going on and it would affect me as a person.

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What's the debate? You know they added 'Q' to the LGBT. 'Q' for Questioning.  Now what toilet do they use?

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Several of us understand that concept because sex is biological and gender is socially assigned. The controversy is really over the confusion of that sort of thing. Which is sad. Papist: the debate is over should a transgender child use a particular bathroom opposite from thier biological sex. Is it align with the church teaching morally?


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That is what I said but some other christian say otherwise but I question their tolerance or understanding of Gender or Sex.  I know a couple times I have used the boy's bathroom because the girl's bathroom was full and used for other things besides the orginal intent.

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this child is not transgeder, sorry.  according to the parents the child as young as five, if not younger than five new she was transgender.  sorry but a child who is less than 5 years old does not know if they are transgender or not.  some kids i imagine think they are a firte truck.  other probobly think they are a super hero.  these parents are very bad parents who are pushing their child who is a boy to become a girl for their own gain and for the gain of transgender community.  read the article on cnn and you will see this case is stupid.  the school offer the child to use any private bathroom she wanted because they did not want a boy with boy genitalia sharing a bathroom with girls who have girl genitalia.  the family threw a fit because they believe that because she identifes as a girl there is no problem with using girl bathrooms with other girls even though he is a boy anatomically.


the parents appear to be media hounds and don't care about the actual welfare of their child.  the child is in 1st grade.  the parents should not be doing this to the poor child.  they should also not being changing this boy into a girl as young as 5 years old because they think a 5 year old can decide anything.  i mean my son is 2 1/2 and sometimes he says he is superman.  should i let him dress as superman everyday and jump from buildings and take bullets to the chest?  no, because i am a parent and don't let a 5 year old make the decisions. 

Edited by havok579257
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That is what I said but some other christian say otherwise but I question their tolerance or understanding of Gender or Sex.  I know a couple times I have used the boy's bathroom because the girl's bathroom was full and used for other things besides the orginal intent.


Some "Christians" think that being an extreme right-wing Republican who hates a lot of people makes you a "Christian". Religious-political demographics in the US make me think you were talking to some of those.

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