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The Stupid, Never-ending Voris Debate


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I used to appreciate Voris, but after a while (didn't take long) all his whining and complaining got stale. I don't know why (nor care) he spends so much energy pointing out how so-and-so ain't doing Catholic this or Catholic that right. I always thought he was condescending, which probably appealed to me at first b/c the things he was pointing out made me feel like I was doing Catholic right. Then I recognized that was my pride, which put a new light on my view of Voris' work. I have moved on. I no longer care and don't want to hear his (or anyone else's) stories of "bad Catholics". One does not become virtuous by comparison.

I think your projecting yourself onto Voris, we don't know his heart, his work may in his heart have nothing to do with pride.

There are many errors in the Church today, many a crisis, all to often there are those that try to correct or just point out error is error. And when they do others well begin to cry out, accuse and label them as whiny prideful judgemental pharisees. It happens every time someone like Voris is mentioned, it happened in the other thread and it to a somewhat lesser degree is still happening in this thread. It is very sad.
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I think your projecting yourself onto Voris, we don't know his heart, his work may in his heart have nothing to do with pride.

There are many errors in the Church today, many a crisis, all to often there are those that try to correct or just point out error is error. And when they do others well begin to cry out, accuse and label them as whiny prideful judgemental pharisees. It happens every time someone like Voris is mentioned, it happened in the other thread and it to a somewhat lesser degree is still happening in this thread. It is very sad.


I was referring to my pride. And you are right. I do not have a clue what's in Voris' heart. All I have is what is revealed to me through his media, and it is not to my liking....not that it has to be, but that is the way it is with me. I never heard him explain his end goal for pointing out the wrongs he does. He may have, but I have not heard it. I fail to see how him pointing out a Mass abuse in Los Angeles produces fruit for me in North Carolina. How do I process this news, and what am I supposed to do?

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Summary of this thread: Basilisa Marie gave sensible, well reasoned criticisms of Voris but she's just a man-hater and her little female brain is over-reacting. Evangetholic says pretty much the same things and woo he's smart and we'll accept his opinion. 

I'd give my opinions but I'm a woman so they're clearly just me being an overly sensitive little girl. 


I'd give my opinion as well, but my opinion on Voris is well known.  I've already stated previously that I find him to be a hypocritical pompous blowhard who causes more schism in the body of Christ than he does reconciliation; also, had he been the type of Catholic I had encountered during my conversion, I think it would have taken the Holy Spirit dragging me kicking and screaming into the Church, because if it is "by their fruits you shall know them", I would have considered the Catholic Church a poisonous tree.


I believe Voris is a divisive figure and should remember that often it is those who say they are doing the Lord's work, that are doing the greatest harm.  I believe that often, the Devil's greatest trick is not to make people think he does not exist, but rather, that one is doing the Lord's work.  (Oh look, I just backed up BM; if anyone took offense to that second sentence, they'd be linking things together the way they said she couldn't on the video. :P )

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I fail to see how him pointing out a Mass abuse in Los Angeles produces fruit for me in North Carolina. How do I process this news, and what am I supposed to do?


Would keeping these types of sins and grave offenses against God hidden and secret help produce fruit for the Church? No, nope, nadda, absolutely not it would actually produce bad fruits, or make some rotten. Sin will always and must be brought into the light and exposed. When and if the news in NC reports on people being harmed in CA should we ask similar questions? Would we object to such reporting and ask that it be kept secret or stay in CA?


When Mass abuse happens anywhere it harms those faithful that attend that Mass, and it harms God. But it also harms the entire Church as a whole, it after all is one body. If one part of the body is infected it can gravely harm the rest of the body. Prayer is the best disinfect, prayer is what we are called to do when we hear of Mass abuses anywhere in the world. We are supposed to pray, at least. Voris is just a messenger, you don't have to listen, you don't have to like him, you don't have to like what he says, but he should be able to freely warn others that do want to listen. He should not be silenced as some here have suggested.  Thus far everyone's objections to Voris are based on personal reasons and opinion. People are free to watch him or ignore him if they so wish, but so far I see no real objective reasons to think ill of this brother in Christ, or to justify silencing him.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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Would keeping these types of sins and grave offenses against God hidden and secret help produce fruit for the Church? No, nope, nadda, absolutely not it would actually produce bad fruits, or make some rotten. Sin will always and must be brought into the light and exposed. When and if the news in NC reports on people being harmed in CA should we ask similar questions? Would we object to such reporting and ask that it be kept secret or stay in CA?


When Mass abuse happens anywhere it harms those faithful that attend that Mass, and it harms God. But it also harms the entire Church as a whole, it after all is one body. If one part of the body is infected it can gravely harm the rest of the body. Prayer is the best disinfect, prayer is what we are called to do when we hear of Mass abuses anywhere in the world. We are supposed to pray, at least. Voris is just a messenger, you don't have to listen, you don't have to like him, you don't have to like what he says, but he should be able to freely warn others that do want to listen. He should not be silenced as some here have suggested.  Thus far everyone's objections to Voris are based on personal reasons and opinion. People are free to watch him or ignore him if they so wish, but so far I see no real objective reasons to think ill of this brother in Christ, or to justify silencing him.


"Kept secret"? Sounds like there's some conspiracy. His message needs to go to the local bishop first, not to the public. He may be doing that, but I seriously doubt it. I think he likes what he is doing too much, which also I see problematic. 


If I see abuse (which I have) I go to the pastor (which I have done) then if again I go to pastor and CC the bishop (which I have done). I do not go on youtube and go in detail of the abuse I seen/heard. 

And yes, one can watch him or not. No big deal. I am just sharing my assessment through experience of watching his stuff.

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"Kept secret"? Sounds like there's some conspiracy. His message needs to go to the local bishop first, not to the public. He may be doing that, but I seriously doubt it. I think he likes what he is doing too much, which also I see problematic.

If I see abuse (which I have) I go to the pastor (which I have done) then if again I go to pastor and CC the bishop (which I have done). I do not go on youtube and go in detail of the abuse I seen/heard.

I know nothing of any conspiracy. But Mass is a public not private event. The Bishop should be notified of course but reporting on these kinds of abuses are not wrong. Edited by KnightofChrist
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I know nothing of any conspiracy. But Mass is a public not private event. The Bishop should be notified of course but reporting on these kinds of abuses are not wrong.


That is correct but I do not agree with Voris' methods.

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Basilisa Marie

Yes.  Even here on Phatmass people can disagree civilly. 



Oh, so it's okay for Papist to have a problem with Voris' methods, but it's irrational for me to have a problem with Voris' methods? 

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Oh, so it's okay for Papist to have a problem with Voris' methods, but it's irrational for me to have a problem with Voris' methods? 

You forget Basilisa Marie, you're a woman so of course you're just irrational. 

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