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Fidei Defensor

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Fidei Defensor

Why is it that the Church in the U.S. and its members will throw the biggest fit about having to pay for contraceptives, but they won't open their mouths about the more important things in the world, senseless killing of innocent lives in conflicts, the poor who die on the streets every day, literally life and death issues?  I just don't understand. I mean, yes, religious liberty is important. And it's important to have a firm stand against moral evils. But why not also voice a stand against these other grave moral evils in the same manner as such a comparatively trivial thing?

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There is nothing more important than to stop contraception entirely, let alone have us not pay for it (Where that would be mortally sinful).  Satan has destroyed America by destroying the family.  he has destroyed the family with divorce.  When the medical technoligy got the boost it needed to sustain the sexual revolution with contraceptives in the 1960s, divorce rates went up 500% (As published in The ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife Chapter 21 page 126by Stephen Wood), mostly leaving fathers out of the picture.  A recent study was done (My dad talked about it) said in 1960 11% of kids in the US were fatherless; at the end of 2012 that number is now 90%.  In the movie Courageous it is pointed out that a fatherless kids is 20% more likely to spend time in prison.  And lets face it people.  Know anyone with family problems?  Maybe I should rephrase that know anyone with out family problems???  Are we really naive enough to think that doesn't make any difference cuz the TV says so?  The TV is a place where you can be shot with a gun in three places and still kill "The bad guy" and live to tell the tale.  If you didn't get my point TV is not reality.  Those who only use NFP have a divorce rate of much under 5% (The Stephen Wood book I talked about again).  And now we legally have to pay for something that has not only ruined Earth but pleases Satan tremendously. 

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Fidei Defensor

There is nothing more important than to stop contraception entirely, let alone have us not pay for it (Where that would be mortally sinful).  Satan has destroyed America by destroying the family.  he has destroyed the family with divorce.  When the medical technoligy got the boost it needed to sustain the sexual revolution with contraceptives in the 1960s, divorce rates went up 500% (As published in The ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife Chapter 21 page 126by Stephen Wood), mostly leaving fathers out of the picture.  A recent study was done (My dad talked about it) said in 1960 11% of kids in the US were fatherless; at the end of 2012 that number is now 90%.  In the movie Courageous it is pointed out that a fatherless kids is 20% more likely to spend time in prison.  And lets face it people.  Know anyone with family problems?  Maybe I should rephrase that know anyone with out family problems???  Are we really naive enough to think that doesn't make any difference cuz the TV says so?  The TV is a place where you can be shot with a gun in three places and still kill "The bad guy" and live to tell the tale.  If you didn't get my point TV is not reality.  Those who only use NFP have a divorce rate of much under 5% (The Stephen Wood book I talked about again).  And now we legally have to pay for something that has not only ruined Earth but pleases Satan tremendously. 


I disagree. 


I do agree that stoping contraception is evil. But I believe the destruction of life, whether if be of the unborn or of those who are already born, is more gravely evil and deserves our public and vocal outrage.

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There is nothing more important than to stop contraception entirely, let alone have us not pay for it (Where that would be mortally sinful). Satan has destroyed America by destroying the family.

Woooaah there nelly
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Why is it that the Church in the U.S. and its members will throw the biggest fit about having to pay for contraceptives, but they won't open their mouths about the more important things in the world, senseless killing of innocent lives in conflicts, the poor who die on the streets every day, literally life and death issues?  I just don't understand. I mean, yes, religious liberty is important. And it's important to have a firm stand against moral evils. But why not also voice a stand against these other grave moral evils in the same manner as such a comparatively trivial thing?


Senseless killing has always been all around us and the Church has always spoken against it. You would be mistaken to think She holds her mouth shut towards murder and the like. I think you're also underestimating the significance of what is occurring. There has always been a feud between the spiritual authority and temporal powers of this world, eventually secularism triumphed and separation of Church and state was imposed.
What we're seeing now is the beginning of the reversal of the past, the State is now imposing itself on the Church, which is a significant change in our internal politics and a cause for alarm. There is a valid reason why many non-Catholic religious leaders joined the Catholic fight against this bill because they understand it sets a precedent that can be used against them as well

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Basilisa Marie

Why is it that the Church in the U.S. and its members will throw the biggest fit about having to pay for contraceptives, but they won't open their mouths about the more important things in the world, senseless killing of innocent lives in conflicts, the poor who die on the streets every day, literally life and death issues?  I just don't understand. I mean, yes, religious liberty is important. And it's important to have a firm stand against moral evils. But why not also voice a stand against these other grave moral evils in the same manner as such a comparatively trivial thing?


I have the same issue with our bishops. 


I think one reason why there is so much focus on contraception and "sex" issues is because they're immediate - both as far as timely and proximity. People are legislating about them now, and people right here in our communities are dealing with them.   But that doesn't change the fact that we shouldn't ignore other issues.  I really think people would take the Catholic Church more seriously if it was as vocal about civilian drone attacks, poverty, genocide, etc as it is about sex stuff. I know we do a heck of a job with our ministries.  But I think we need to be talking about it more. 


It's good to be vocal about things like paying for contraception and the evils of abortion - I'm not saying we should dial that back.  But sometimes I wonder if we've run the risk of making our nation into an idol.  How do we balance being a contrast society, not of this world with our responsibilities as Christians living in a democracy? I'm not sure.  

But then again maybe I've just been reading too much Bonhoeffer ("all the Jesus, all the time, everything else is an idol!") for class. And I just got back from visiting a Marianist mission community that is living in solidarity with the poor in my city, so...  Yeah.   :saint2:

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I agree that born and unborn are equally dignified and important.


I don't think you can compare the destitution of the two classes of human being in modern society.


The born poor are marginalized, mistreated, abandoned and ignored. But they are acknowledged by the law - the law at least proscribes that they "should" have their rights, their respect, their dignity. Popular culture at least pays lip service to the idea that the born poor are worthy of our attention and care. The world acknowledges that helping them is "good" and "charitable." These poor, if they have nothing else, at least have their bodies and their voices as a means of resistance. People may cover their eyes and plug their ears but the sight and sound is still THERE.


Whereas our legal system explicitly categorizes the unborn poor as "non-people." They do not have lip service paid to their welfare. They can't claim any indignation before the law - the law says they have no dignity as people.  When their rights are violated they cannot scream. There is no public scene or witness.The born poor have Potter's Field. The corpses of the unborn are disposed as medical waste. I could go on.


I don't mean to say that the situation of the born poor is not urgent and and of vital importance. It is. But in my opinion it is fairly clear where the greatest emergency currently exists.











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How can you tell if the Catholic Church ISN'T speaking out about poverty? By the news media? They will not report anything about the Catholic Church unless it is covered in scandal!!! There are plenty of ministries, groups and religious congregations out there who DO deal with the poor and other such issues. The reason why we don't hear of them being promoted more than they are is because the Church is more worried at the moment of the morally poor, the killing of the unborn, and religious liberty! How can the Catholic Church fight against all evils when their ability to is being taken away? What is the good fighting all of the issues in todays society when we can't and won't stand for what we believe in?

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Why is it that the Church in the U.S. and its members will throw the biggest fit about having to pay for contraceptives, but they won't open their mouths about the more important things in the world, senseless killing of innocent lives in conflicts, the poor who die on the streets every day, literally life and death issues?  I just don't understand. I mean, yes, religious liberty is important. And it's important to have a firm stand against moral evils. But why not also voice a stand against these other grave moral evils in the same manner as such a comparatively trivial thing?



Because conservative Christians have turned themselves into an appendage of the Republican Party.  

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How can you tell if the Catholic Church ISN'T speaking out about poverty? By the news media? They will not report anything about the Catholic Church unless it is covered in scandal!!! There are plenty of ministries, groups and religious congregations out there who DO deal with the poor and other such issues. The reason why we don't hear of them being promoted more than they are is because the Church is more worried at the moment of the morally poor, the killing of the unborn, and religious liberty! How can the Catholic Church fight against all evils when their ability to is being taken away? What is the good fighting all of the issues in todays society when we can't and won't stand for what we believe in?



No.  Here.  Whenever discussion about structural poverty gets brought up the response is invariable about how Jesus didn't say anything about forcing people to give money away and vague invocations of the power of private charity.  

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No. Here. Whenever discussion about structural poverty gets brought up the response is invariable about how Jesus didn't say anything about forcing people to give money away and vague invocations of the power of private charity.

Well then they must have missed it when Jesus said multiple times that if we wanted to follow Him, we must give to the poor. What we give must come from the heart. It should be something we WANT to do, not what someone does for us.
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