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What If All Dead Babies Went To Heaven And...


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Augustine was not the originator the idea that Hell is well populated or of the idea of "predestination."

Edited by Evangetholic
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Also think its important to remember how horrible purgatory is...I mean from my understanding it is very similar to hell except there is a hope of one day being with God although this even makes it worse because you know what you're missing out on...So if I was a protestant who didn't believe in purgatory then I would say for sure hell will be packed. It would have to be in order for God to be just. But again once you bring purgatory in the picture then someone even as evil as hitler seems to mabey have a really longggggg shot at making it into heaven one day....Of course after he suffers in purgatory for a billion years ( I realise there's no time but you get my point) And again I don't think this so I can live however I want or that I think people can do whatever and still get into heaven....I have just recently came into considering this after the Holy Spirit showed me what some people like Father Barron were saying and Pope B and Pope JPThe2nd....And it makes a lot of sense with the loving merciful God I know...If it is true its almost like a secret few will know because after all most don't believe in purgatory....And like Al said even one soul in hell is to many in the Lords eyes although I tend to think people will be in hell even myself if I don't work out my salvation in fear and trembling....I respect everyone elses opinions though too and do realise hell may be very populated....I pray that it isn't though....

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I guess I will 'fess up here. I am not tempted to kill babies. :|


I sometimes am, when they're screaming at Mass and their parents selfishly refuse to remove them from the sanctuary. But then, I'm tempted to kill the whole family.

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