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Pope Is Resigning.... Who Do You Think Will Be Next?


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I have no idea who will be elected pope.  I wish Cardinal Burke would be chosen, but I know that his chances of receiving any votes in the conclave are nil.

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The day Michael Voris is elected is the day I become a sedevacantist. 


A bit of an overreaction, don't you think? Your dislike for Voris goes almost to a complete loathing. At least he is evangelizing. I don't see anybody that complains about him willing to do what he does, so they can either put up or shut up.

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A bit of an overreaction, don't you think? Your dislike for Voris goes almost to a complete loathing. At least he is evangelizing. I don't see anybody that complains about him willing to do what he does, so they can either put up or shut up.

Oh calm down. 

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Oh calm down. 


I'm not angry. You're the one overreacting about Michael Voris. People like what he says and how he says it. He brings people back to the true Faith. I wish I was as brave as he was.


By the way, Cardinal Dolan said that when you are constantly criticized when it comes to things like evangelization, it means you're doing it right.

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The day Michael Voris is elected is the day I become a sedevacantist.

Now you understand how Archbishop Lefebvre felt when the traditional Mass was threatened.
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I'm not angry. You're the one overreacting about Michael Voris. People like what he says and how he says it. He brings people back to the true Faith. I wish I was as brave as he was.


By the way, Cardinal Dolan said that when you are constantly criticized when it comes to things like evangelization, it means you're doing it right.

I wasn't being serious. Chill. I may dislike the man and I think he is doing harm as well as good, but I'm not about to become a sedevacantist no matter who is elected Pope. 

I take offence at that. 


Now you understand how Archbishop Lefebvre felt when the traditional Mass was threatened.

Oh I have always understood how he felt. I just don't think that justifies his actions, but I'm not going to get into that debate. 

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I wasn't being serious. Chill. I may dislike the man and I think he is doing harm as well as good, but I'm not about to become a sedevacantist no matter who is elected Pope. 

I take offence at that.


I know you were joking. I just felt it was in bad taste. Being a heretic is serious business.


Well, hopefully for you Cardinal Dolan won't be elected, then.

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I know you were joking. I just felt it was in bad taste. Being a heretic is serious business.


Well, hopefully for you Cardinal Dolan won't be elected, then.

I have nothing against Cardinal Dolan. What I am offended by is your implication that I am against evangelisation.

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I have nothing against Cardinal Dolan. What I am offended by is your implication that I am against evangelisation.


I never said you were against evangelization. You clearly have a problem with how Michael Voris evangelizes, and I said Cardinal Dolan says it's good when you're criticized about those things because that means you're doing it right. My spiritual director once said "You don't want your parishes to really like you when you are a Priest. You don't want them to come up to you after Mass and say 'Great homily!'. That's when you know in reality your homily stunk."

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I never said you were against evangelization. You clearly have a problem with how Michael Voris evangelizes, and I said Cardinal Dolan says it's good when you're criticized about those things because that means you're doing it right. My spiritual director once said "You don't want your parishes to really like you when you are a Priest. You don't want them to come up to you after Mass and say 'Great homily!'. That's when you know in reality your homily stunk."

I don't think that's true at all. It's perfectly possible to evangelise wrong and hurt more than you help. In that situation being criticised most certainly does not mean you're doing it right.

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i don't think being criticized is ever itself proof of good work. if that were  true I should have gotten an "A" all those times I showed up for gym class  wearing clogs.


Now if you are "evangelizing" and everybody is just clapping all the time, then you have a problem.

for example if you are the President giving a speech before a joint session of Congress and both sides of the aisle are getting  a good aerobic workout from how many times they stand to ovate you. that should give you a chill down your spine- an "oh crud" chill not a "how cool" chill.

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I don't think that's true at all. It's perfectly possible to evangelise wrong and hurt more than you help. In that situation being criticised most certainly does not mean you're doing it right.


I didn't say everyone hated what you did. Just some criticism in general. And Michael Voris has a huge following, so he has a healthy mix of both.

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