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Pope Is Resigning.... Who Do You Think Will Be Next?


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Personal list of favourite Cardinals to be elected Pope:




4.Marc Ouellet


6.Giovanni Battista Re



9.Cipriani Thorme



I think I would die of joy if Burke is elected! In April I'll go to Italy and I would love to see him on the Chair of St Peter.


I would be so happy if it was Cardinal Burke, too.  :)

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I hear there is a cool Asian Cardinal from the Philippines that could possibly get elected. Anyone know his name?

Cardinal Luis Tagle
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God forbid!

Oh dear!

I know nothing whatsoever about the gentleman.

Just answering the previous posters question - the BBC have a list of 'contenders'.
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Oh dear!

I know nothing whatsoever about the gentleman.

Just answering the previous posters question - the BBC have a list of 'contenders'.

Aloysius posted an excellent link showing individual odds for all the papabile.



At the very least, it puts all of the serious contenders in one place. :) It appears to be updating regularly as well. Current favourites are, in order, Ouellet, Turkson, Scola, Bertone, and Arinze.

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his association with the Bologna school would signal a turnaround from Benedict's Hermeneutic of Continuity... I'm not sure his reputation is all that deserved, he's certainly not the worst of the Bologna school, but ultimately I think if his association with it had been more well known he likely wouldn't have gotten a red hat to begin with and it's unlikely the cardinals want to give an indication of rupture from the hermeneutic of continuity (haha), though I think since getting the red hat he's actually indicated less of a rupture view of the Conciliar history... but I tend to attribute that to Benedict's gravitational pull, so I'd be wary of him being placed on the throne of Peter himself.


of course, sometimes you can never tell by who a cardinal is, I believe Pius IX was a relatively "liberal" cardinal prior to becoming pope.

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Basilisa Marie

Aloysius posted an excellent link showing individual odds for all the papabile.



At the very least, it puts all of the serious contenders in one place. :) It appears to be updating regularly as well. Current favourites are, in order, Ouellet, Turkson, Scola, Bertone, and Arinze.


They're giving Richard Dawkins  666/1 odds.   :hehe2:

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oh man the cardinals should all get together and bet a bunch of money on Bono, and then elect him!


they could have the dean hold a gun to all their heads for the vote forcing them to vote for Bono so that after the checks clear they could declare the whole thing invalid.  it's brilliant!

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oh man the cardinals should all get together and bet a bunch of money on Bono, and then elect him!


they could have the dean hold a gun to all their heads for the vote forcing them to vote for Bono so that after the checks clear they could declare the whole thing invalid.  it's brilliant!

Put down enough money to pull up all of the bankrupt dioceses worldwide. :hehe:

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seriously, though, probably about the coolest thing I could ever imagine happening would be for a non-bishop to be elected... some out of the way country priest that was known to be a good holy man, or even a layman somewhere, could you imagine them calling someone like that up on the phone and asking them to come to Rome out of the blue!  that'd be something that would captivate the world's imagination.  could you imagine the news reports?

Edited by Aloysius
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