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Pope Is Resigning.... Who Do You Think Will Be Next?


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I was about to quote you the odds against it being an American, but it looks like they are much better than I thought they'd be, 12/1.  Better than the odds of it being an Spaniard, actually, http://www.paddypower.com/bet/current-affairs/pope-betting?ev_oc_grp_ids=1178745


The individual odds here:


Cardinal Dolan's got 25/1 odds, much better than I thought they'd give him.  Still, I think we're more likely to see an African or South American than a US American.



looks like the Malachy prophecy is leading Paddy Power's odds in the Papal Name department, haha, I highly doubt we'll get a Peter II http://www.paddypower.com/bet/current-affairs/pope-betting?ev_oc_grp_ids=1178746


Peter Turkson would spin everyone's heads though :wacky: 



I do not quite trust Turkson after that weird paper his department published last year. :hehe: He seems like a good man though. Glad to see Ouellet is still being talked about. Surprised that Arinze is give such high odds, given his age. I do not really trust Schonborn or Bertone... 


If someone were asking me to put money down, I would put some on Angelo Scola, some on Ouellet, and apparently some on Turkson as well, although I had no idea that he had such a high profile right now.

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I honestly just know a handful of Cardinals, and they are mostly American ones. I have a better knowledge of Bishops, which is unlikely that a Bishop would be elected, though one in Missouri would totally be an amazing Pope. I forgot his name, but I think he is the Bishop for the diocese of Saint Louis (I could be wrong, though).

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yeah, I'm not sure I'd want to put any money on any of the front runners, as it seems to me that the front runners are so wide and varied without any of them standing out enough... sounds like the type of scenario that would generally result in the election of an unlikely candidate... especially because the 2/3 rule is back and they obviously want a new pope well before Easter.  Ratzinger was able to eclipse the others last time, and he didn't need 2/3 anyway, but now it's looking like there's no one who'll easily eclipse the others and you have to get to 2/3.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall there.


for Americans the most likely would be Dolan and Burke, and if I saw any of them show up on the balcony I'd probably fall over, literally.  I'd be happy, but extremely shocked.


I agree the weird Justice and Peace white paper makes me a bit leary of Turkson, who I would otherwise be mostly supportive of (though I don't actually know too much about him, to be honest)

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how about cardinal mahoney?






















































































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yeah, I'm not sure I'd want to put any money on any of the front runners, as it seems to me that the front runners are so wide and varied without any of them standing out enough... sounds like the type of scenario that would generally result in the election of an unlikely candidate... especially because the 2/3 rule is back and they obviously want a new pope well before Easter.  Ratzinger was able to eclipse the others last time, and he didn't need 2/3 anyway, but now it's looking like there's no one who'll easily eclipse the others and you have to get to 2/3.  I'd love to be a fly on the wall there.


for Americans the most likely would be Dolan and Burke, and if I saw any of them show up on the balcony I'd probably fall over, literally.  I'd be happy, but extremely shocked.


I agree the weird Justice and Peace white paper makes me a bit leary of Turkson, who I would otherwise be mostly supportive of (though I don't actually know too much about him, to be honest)


Yeah, that is true. There is a huge amount of diversity in the College, it really could go anywhere. Over the last couple years it seems that the Church in America has risen to a point where now they are almost as important as they think they are ( ;) ), which might indicate that it is almost time for an American pope. Although it seems like a bit of an outside chance to me. Either Burke or Dolan would probably be excellent. Although I obviously would prefer Burke because of how much he has supported the traditional Mass since Summorum Pontificum. :) For me, that will always be the thing I am praying for most. :hehe: The Traditional Mass, and the regularization of the SSPX. To me, the person who would be best for those goals would be the best for the Church.


(Turkson, if I recall, was also a bit ambivalent during all that controversy about Pope Benedict's remarks on condoms in Africa. But given how much miscommunication was going on at the time, perhaps I should not hold that against him.)



how about cardinal mahoney?






Honestly, I really hope that he is removed from the College before the Conclave. I think he has demonstrated that he is not competent to lead. Therefore I do not want him having a say in who should.

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The Church needs major reforms and changes. Hopefully they elect someone relevant instead of dusting off a bag of bones.

Hopefully none of the cardinal electors listen to your advice.

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I've heard there's a good chance for Cardinal Marc Oullet....

There was last time too. He would probably do a great job, and it would be particularly special for the Church in Canada.

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Obama just signed up for RCIA with the hope to be Catholic in time for the conclave.


He must be pretty ambitious...

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Obama just signed up for RCIA with the hope to be Catholic in time for the conclave.

His first act would be tin institute the "sacrament of contraception."

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