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Pope Is Resigning.... Who Do You Think Will Be Next?


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pope resigning, by end of the month. first time in hundreds and hunreds of years they ended without death



i predict Arize and predict his name will be Pius XIII


some possible popes


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I don't think this is quite appropriate yet. We should pray, rather than speculate. I would be jumping for joy if Arinze was chosen, but it's not really my decision. Remember that nobody thought Cardinal Ratzinger would be chosen. He was the last on everyone's list. The Holy Spirit does what it decides, regardless of what Wolf Blitzer's opinion is.

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I don't think this is quite appropriate yet. We should pray, rather than speculate. I would be jumping for joy if Arinze was chosen, but it's not really my decision. Remember that nobody thought Cardinal Ratzinger would be chosen. He was the last on everyone's list. The Holy Spirit does what it decides, regardless of what Wolf Blitzer's opinion is.



He was the frontrunner.  I'm betting on that Cardinal from Milan.  

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pope resigning, by end of the month. first time in hundreds and hunreds of years they ended without death



i predict Arize and predict his name will be Pius XIII


some possible popes



Whoever the Holy Spirit calls.

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Julie de Sales

I almost had a heart attack when I found out that the Pope was resigning; I was so glad these years because the Church seemed to go on the right direction. Pope Benedict made good decisions, but now, I fear that a liberal and progressive Pope will come and destroy it all. I have to have more trust in God, but in this moment I'm depressed...I will pray and hope for the best.

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I don't think it's inappropriate at all.  when the pope dies it's inappropriate to speculate too much before praying for their soul, but the Pope just basically gave a two week notice, while we should pray for him, as always, of course, I find nothing inappropriate about also speculating about his successor.  we don't need nine days of mourning or anything.


I am worried, I very much liked Benedict and I hope we'll get someone as good as he was.  the Holy Spirit doesn't directly pick the person like some people imagine, it is a very human process that picks the person themselves and we don't always get good popes, though we hope they will allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit and pick someone well suited to step up in these difficult times.  Arinze is probably my favorite choice from among the likely candidates, but I get the sense that we might end up with someone who was not talked about as likely this time around.  I don't think anyone is as strong a force going into the conclave as Ratzinger was, so it's more likely we could end up with a relative unknown, that those that go in as popes will come out as cardinals. we shall see.

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I don't think it's inappropriate at all.  when the pope dies it's inappropriate to speculate too much before praying for their soul, but the Pope just basically gave a two week notice, while we should pray for him, as always, of course, I find nothing inappropriate about also speculating about his successor.  we don't need nine days of mourning or anything.


I am worried, I very much liked Benedict and I hope we'll get someone as good as he was.  the Holy Spirit doesn't directly pick the person like some people imagine, it is a very human process that picks the person themselves and we don't always get good popes, though we hope they will allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit and pick someone well suited to step up in these difficult times.  Arinze is probably my favorite choice from among the likely candidates, but I get the sense that we might end up with someone who was not talked about as likely this time around.  I don't think anyone is as strong a force going into the conclave as Ratzinger was, so it's more likely we could end up with a relative unknown, that those that go in as popes will come out as cardinals. we shall see.


Yeah, maybe it's not inappropriate, but I think it's a little soon. Either way, the thread is up, so we might as well do our American pastime and speculate!


Cardinal Arinze would be awesome, but he's getting a little old and I fear it might be too much for him. In the chat some said it can't be an American because that will cause too much scandal. I think that's ridiculous. I don't care what government of America has done to your country, Bishops are not supposed to get into politics and they have nothing to do with the government intruding into your country. I don't think Dolan would be elected, but there are some awesome Bishops and Cardinals we have (Like Cardinal Chaput, for instance) who would be amazing Popes.

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I doubt the cardinals would elect an American.  there are a number of reasons for that, and you are right that it shouldn't matter, but it does matter to the Cardinals I think.  who knows, they could always surprise us.

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C'mon people. Don't despair ...have some faith.

I have faith that the Church and the faith will survive.  I don't necessarily have faith that we'll get another Pope as good as Benedict, I don't despair either, I'm just basically unsure as to who we'll get. Arinze I'd be happy about, Schoborn I'd cringe at, but we shall see.  No matter who it is God will draw straight with crooked lines, as He always does.

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He was the frontrunner.  I'm betting on that Cardinal from Milan.  

When Angelo Scola was sent to Milan there was a lot of talk about him. He will probably be a front runner during the Conclave. He is 71, which would give him probably a good 10-15 years as pope if he were elected. The Patriarch of Venice, which he was, and the Archbishop of Milan are almost always papabile. I think between those two sees there have been something like six popes in the last hundred years.

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I have faith that the Church and the faith will survive.  I don't necessarily have faith that we'll get another Pope as good as Benedict, I don't despair either, I'm just basically unsure as to who we'll get. Arinze I'd be happy about, Schoborn I'd cringe at, but we shall see.  No matter who it is God will draw straight with crooked lines, as He always does.


Didn't intend to direct post at you. I am seeing a lot of despair regarding why Pope is resigning and fearing the worst on the selection of the next. It's events like this I am glad I do not have the cable news networks. 


Also, I would throw Burke in there with the ones I'd be comfortable with.

Edited by Papist
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I doubt the cardinals would elect an American.  there are a number of reasons for that, and you are right that it shouldn't matter, but it does matter to the Cardinals I think.  who knows, they could always surprise us.


Nobody expected a German or a Pole to get elected, but in the last two elections the Cardinals have surprised us by destroying political correctness. Who knows, they may do it again.

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I was about to quote you the odds against it being an American, but it looks like they are much better than I thought they'd be, 12/1.  Better than the odds of it being an Spaniard, actually, http://www.paddypower.com/bet/current-affairs/pope-betting?ev_oc_grp_ids=1178745


The individual odds here:


Cardinal Dolan's got 25/1 odds, much better than I thought they'd give him.  Still, I think we're more likely to see an African or South American than a US American.



looks like the Malachy prophecy is leading Paddy Power's odds in the Papal Name department, haha, I highly doubt we'll get a Peter II http://www.paddypower.com/bet/current-affairs/pope-betting?ev_oc_grp_ids=1178746


Peter Turkson would spin everyone's heads though :wacky: 

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