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Yet Another Take On The Left And Right Wings

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren,sympathiesers and others...


So i have been thinking alot about possiblities contained in these so called left and right wings on and off the last 2 years,lol.

Ok so heres another possibility of the content of these two factions of the church which obviously must be held together by the body of christ(the holy sacraments,the holy mass,the holy bible,sacred tradition,chhristian prayer and meditation[notice there are 6 pillars and 6 being the number of man according to church teaching] if there are two wings at all. ok here tis. The left and right wing i assume are actually the left and right foot because christ had no wings,lol, but seriously the left and right foot are church millitant and church missionary, and what i can gather these two parts of the body of christ (and there not the only parts.) is that at various times the church is leading with the left or right foot,some the greatest boxes could switch between both and greatest dances i assume also.We will begin with the church missionary, the church missionary as far as i can tell works more on the level of st thomas aquinas "the sanctity of ones own life converts X, and st francis "use words only when nescesary." The church missionary will not often bring up the subject of GOD and Morals and will leave that to the person he or she is talking to to do, though i get the hunch that church missionaries will openly discuss GOD and morals with other christians more willingly than with those outside of the church. Ok, and than we have the church millitant whom is open about initiating conversation about GOD and morals with anyone. St Peter i was told by a priest was "famed for being hot and cold." So like i guess some even switch between either from day to day,week to week etc etc between being a millitant christian or a missionary christian, and some just stick to the one. These two elements of the holy catholic church should not be confused with the goats and the sheep or the weeds and the weat although both probably contain these this is not the general being of either entity. Nore should they be confused with liberal and conservative elements of the holy catholic church and i have explained my opinion of these two elements as well and liberal catholic christian is not pro abortion that is a heresy or serious mis-understanding or lack of explaination to the unfortunate schismatic or heretic. What are all your thoughts on this matter. :) Of course i probably not explained myself properly as often i do but i have taken some time setting this out and thinking upon this than my sometimes or half the time blabber about somethings i have little to no grasp upon. May the grace of our lord in mercy and discipline reveal to you any truth i have revealed.


God bless you all.


Onward christian souls.


JC "Seek and you will find." "Knock and the door will be opened."

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

My name is George, every flock needs a good sheep dog to nip at the heals of the sheep to get them moving faster. Though not to be mistaken for a wolf. George ain't clockin our with no Ralph(wolf.) there will be one clocking out temporarily and the other clocking permanently . lol. Remember that old WB cartoon.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

heres anotherone , perhaps the liberal catholic applies 2 coats of paint to his wall hap hazerdly therfore needing more than 1 coat and the conservative just 1 coat perfectly. Both achieving the same result, just one using a little more paint. Or perhaps the liberal is the man in the parable of the fruit orchard whom asks for 1 more year with a particular tree after painstakidly trying for 2 years, where as the conservative only spends one dark night and calls on the person at a later date after i assume praying for the person in the time in between like the good samaritan.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

thanks to whoever for the 5 star, i'm very humbled but joyed by this rating and hope with the LORDS help in faith and love i will get more stars for the kingdom of heaven.

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