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I Need Some Help!


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I'M DONE! ^_^ My browser froze more times than I can count, but I managed. However, I skipped most of the .pdf links because I found it was the couse of my browser troubles. No idea why :confused:

Here's what I got:

[b]Faith and Science[/b]

[u]Science and the Existence of God: Divine Design Argument[/u]
Intelligent Design: Scientists' Observations (http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ537.HTM)

[u]Testimony of the Early Church Fathers[/u]
Aquinas' Understanding of Creation is Indespensible (http://www.ktu.ruu.nl/THOMAS/newspage/98jan1.htm)

[b]Morality and Ethics[/b]

[u]The Nature of Sin[/u]
Common Sense, Wisdom and Hope: Why Catholics Distinguish Between Mortal and Venial Sin (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=89&category_id=83&main_cat_id=42)

[u]Christian Sexuality[/u]
What Catholic Teens Need to Know About Sex (http://net2.netacc.net/~mafg/sexedu01.htm)

Dialogue on Homosexuality (old link: [url="http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ335.HTM"]http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ335.HTM[/url], new link:http://web.archive.org/web/20030604154131/http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ335.HTM)
Dialogue with a Homosexual (old link: [url="http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ354.HTM"]http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ354.HTM[/url], new link:http://web.archive.org/web/20030416015809/http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ354.HTM)
Same-Sex Attraction Morality League (http://members.truepath.com/ssaml/)

[u]Humanae Vitae[/u]
The Clarifying Light of Humanae Vitae (http://www.catholic.net/Catholic Church/Periodicals/Faith/1112-96/index.html)

Refuting the Pro-Contraception Arguments (http://pweb.netcom.com/~matt1618/contra.htm)
The Abortion-Contraception Connection (http://www.ewtn.com/library/PROLENC/ENCYC097.TXT)
Does The Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? (http://www.epm.org/bcp5400.html)
The Growing Birth Control Pill Debate: Abortifacient Effect and the Principle of Double Effect (http://www.epm.org/pilldebate.html)
Birth Control Pill: Abortifacient and Contraceptive (http://www.epm.org/26doctor.html)

[u]Natural Family Planning[/u]
Natural Family Planning: A Secret No More (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=647&category_id=111&main_cat_id=102)

[u]Catholics and Political Issues[/u]
Can a "Good" Catholic be a "Good" Democrat? (http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ483.HTM)

[u]Other Moral/Ethical Issues[/u]
The Christian Perspective on Vegetarianism (http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ227.HTM)

[u]Testimony of the Early Church Fathers[/u]
The Fathers on Sexuality (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=2203&category_id=111&main_cat_id=102)
Fathers on the Punishment Due to Sin (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=430&category_id=83&main_cat_id=42)
Fathers on Virtues and Vices (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=346&category_id=86&main_cat_id=42)

Pacificism vs. "Just War": Biblical and Social Factors (http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ367.HTM)

Pornography (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=2270&category_id=408&main_cat_id=102)
Mortal Sin (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=1358&category_id=83&main_cat_id=42)
What Are Virtues? (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=1360&category_id=86&main_cat_id=42)


The Sacraments Chart (http://www.catholic-convert.com/DesktopModules/UserDocuments/UserDocuments_ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=202)
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church (http://www.ewtn.com/library/scriptur/sacrmnt.TXT)


[u]Apparent Contradictions in the Bible[/u]

[u]Baptism is a Gift[/u]
If Baptims is God's Grace and Not Works, Why Not Baptize Everyone? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=19)

[u]Infant Baptism[/u]
Isn't It Wrong to Baptize a Baby? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=17)

[u]Immersion Only?[/u]
What Can You Tell Me About Catholic Baptism and Immersion? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=539)
Aren't Biblical Baptisms by Immersion? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=373)

[u]Born Again in Baptism[/u]
A Defense of Baptismal Regeneration (http://pw2.netcom.com/~matt1618/baptreg.htm)
Do Catholics Believe in Being Born Again? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=36)
How Do Catholics Answer the Question about Being "Born Again"? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=226)
What is the Meaning Behind "Born Again"? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=328)

[u]Trinitarian Baptism[/u]
Is Peter's Command (Acts 2:38) Opposed to Jesus' Command (Mat. 28:19)? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=81)
Shouldn't We Baptize "In the Name of Jesus"? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=194)

[u]Neccessity of Baptism[/u]
How Can One Be Saved Without Baptism? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=82)

[u]Norms and Requirements for Baptism[/u]
Can Only Christians Administer Baptism? -to- What If the Priest Forgets to Say, "Be Sealed With the Gift of the Holy Spirit"?

[u]Non-Catholics and Baptism[/u]
Is the Mormon, or LDS, Baptism Valid In the Eyes of the Church? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=229)

[u]Other Arguments[/u]
Does Baptism Assure Salvation? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=38)

[b]Confession and Penance[/b]

The Sacraments Chart (http://www.catholic-convert.com/DesktopModules/UserDocuments/UserDocuments_ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=202)
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church (http://www.ewtn.com/library/scriptur/sacrmnt.TXT)


[u]Other Arguments[/u]
Confession: The Ultimate Values Clarification Tool (http://www.ewtn.com/library/HOMESCHL/CONVALCF.TXT)

Celebration of the Christian Mystery (http://catholicculture.org/search/resultslist.cfm?id=1074926881484&resourcetype=5&categorypos=3)
Life in Christ (http://catholicculture.org/search/resultslist.cfm?id=1074926881484&resourcetype=5&categorypos=4)

[b]Eucharist And The Sacrifice Of The Mass [/b]

The Sacraments Chart (http://www.catholic-convert.com/DesktopModules/UserDocuments/UserDocuments_ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=202)
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church (http://www.ewtn.com/library/scriptur/sacrmnt.TXT)


[u]The Eucharist: Norms, Requirements, and Abuses[/u]
Can You Receive Communion Twice In the Same Day? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=460)

[u]Protestants and the Eucharist[/u]
John 6, The Eucharist, and Protestant Objections (http://pw2.netcom.com/~matt1618/eucharist.html)
Jesus Says "You Must Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood." Will Protestants have Eternal Life Too? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=97)
Is It Acceptable for a Catholic to Receive Communion In a Protestant Church? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=431)
What Is the Difference Between Lutheran Consubstantiation and Catholic Transubstantiation? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=535)

[u]Apparent Difficulties in Scripture[/u]
Didn't Jesus Break the Law of God by Commanding His Disciples to Drink Blood? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=11)
Doesn't John 6:63 Mean that We Are to Eat Christ's Words Day after Day, Not the Eucharist? -to- Was Jesus Speaking Symbolically About His Blood in Mat. 26:29?

[u]The Sacrifice of the Mass[/u]
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (http://catholicexchange.com/clibrary/document.asp?document_id=536&category_id=64&main_cat_id=42)


The Sacraments Chart (http://www.catholic-convert.com/DesktopModules/UserDocuments/UserDocuments_ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=202)
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church (http://www.ewtn.com/library/scriptur/sacrmnt.TXT)


[u]Effects of Confirmation[/u]
Given the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=133)

[u]Distinct from Water Baptism and "Holy Spirit Baptism"[/u]
Why Don't Catholics Speak In Tongues After Confirmation? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=605)

[u]Norms, Requirements, and Abuses[/u]
Can A Confirmation Candidate Choose An Archangel For A Confirmation Saint? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=288)
Is Confirmation Valid If the Priest Forgets To Say, "Be Sealed With the Holy Spirit"? (http://css.catholicexchange.com/truthtract.asp?qid=509)
Confirmation From a Coptic Orthodox Perspective (http://pharos.bu.edu/cn/lessons/Christmation.txt)

ALL of the Catholic Exchange links didn't work. I'd click on it and the browser window would open and immediately shut again. Did anyone else experience this?

Edited by azaelia
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that's awesome! thank you! :D

everyone, just copy her format in submitting broken links. that was perfect ;)

hmmmm, i guess i have my work cut out for me......

pax christi,

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  • 2 weeks later...

how's the work coming along? anyone else near completion?

holla back,

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I haven't forgotten either. Just finished exam week, but I'll get my list to you probably by tomorrow. :)

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ok, not a huge rush, just checkin to see how you all were coming along

thanks again everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you look through History of the Church for me? There are a lot of ftp sites that won't load on my computer, and I'm not sure if it's because the sites are bad or because my computer is uber slow. :rolleyes: THANK YOU!

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Some of the the Catholic Culture Links require you to register so i can't see them.

--Catholic Culture: History (246 articles)

--Catholic Issues: Controversies -- Heresies -- Scandals -- Schisms -- Wars

in the councils section

--Catholic Institutions: Councils (71 articles)

this site didnt work for a reason

--Inquisition in the Catholic Church


maybe its just my comp

in specific arguments -Reformation

--Martin Luther, Indulgence, and the Origins of the Protestant Revolt

has moved to


--A Friend in Word and Deed: Pius XII and the Jews

wont work either

the rest work fine :D

God Bless!!


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