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Arfink Gets Random Part Two!


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I wanna make a lamp with 4 panels like this. I should go to the hardware store and find some lamp hardware and make one this week. :)

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So I only put the last picture of the set up here, click the link to see more and see a little of how I did this. :)






So ARFink, explain to me how this works....?   Is the 'gold' area actually burned thinner than the darker area?  Am I correct that you have put the panel up against a window?  Or have you painted gold over a burned out area or something?

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So ARFink, explain to me how this works....?   Is the 'gold' area actually burned thinner than the darker area?  Am I correct that you have put the panel up against a window?  Or have you painted gold over a burned out area or something?


Well, the lighter spots where you can see more light coming through are burned thinner, down to almost 1/32 of an inch thick so light can pass through. And yes, it's photographed up against the window, placed right over the sun. The gold color is the natural color of the wood with light shining through.

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That's amazing, dude.


Brian...we must think alike... because I had just typed what is below when the Phorum told me someone else had added a comment....


That is amazing.


What I had planned to add in addition is that you have invented wooden tissue paper, ARFink!  


There is part of me that would want to touch it... and part of me would be afraid of sticking my finger through it.


But it really is an astonishing thing!

Edited by AnneLine
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Brian...we must think alike... because I had just typed what is below when the Phorum told me someone else had added a comment....


That is amazing.


What I had planned to add in addition is that you have invented wooden tissue paper, ARFink!  


There is part of me that would want to touch it... and part of me would be afraid of sticking my finger through it.


But it really is an astonishing thing!


I have already tried that. It's harder than you might think. :)

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So I leave my room for a bit to go pick up my brother from school. I come back to find my 3yr old sister Bella in my room. She is jumping on the bed, singing, and eating Doritos. At the same time.

And wiping her hands on my sheets. So I say "What are you doing?"
Bella: "I dunno!"
Me: "You are eating all my chips."
Bella: "Yup! LA LA LA LA LA BUMMP-AAAAA" (I have no idea what she was singing)
/Bella wipes hands on my bed spread
Me: "You are wiping your hands on my bed. Please don't do that."
Bella: "I am NOT wiping my hands on the bed!"
Me: "Get over here." /grabs Bella "You need a napkin."
Bella "OK." /grabs sock
Me: "NO NO NO!"


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That's a very BELLA picture, ARFink.   And what colors, pray tell, would you use to paint it.  Go ahead.  You'll feel BETTER!


(And hey... it could have been CHEEZ-ITS or CHEETOs or  barbecue DORITOS!)




But more seriously, that's a pain....

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So I leave my room for a bit to go pick up my brother from school. I come back to find my 3yr old sister Bella in my room. She is jumping on the bed, singing, and eating Doritos. At the same time.

And wiping her hands on my sheets. So I say "What are you doing?"
Bella: "I dunno!"
Me: "You are eating all my chips."
Bella: "Yup! LA LA LA LA LA BUMMP-AAAAA" (I have no idea what she was singing)
/Bella wipes hands on my bed spread
Me: "You are wiping your hands on my bed. Please don't do that."
Bella: "I am NOT wiping my hands on the bed!"
Me: "Get over here." /grabs Bella "You need a napkin."
Bella "OK." /grabs sock
Me: "NO NO NO!"


This made me laugh. :hehe2: Your little sister sounds cute.

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