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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Must Catholics Believe That Life Begins At Conception?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Also on the whole brain thing somone told me that the soul is in the brain but i don't believe that. I believe the soul is it's own entity, though the heart and brain play a part of the souls development/ there connected. Kind of a reflection of the holy trinity i guess, Mind,Heart,Soul. We are created in the image and likeness of GOD, maybe thats what that means i don't know these are just my thoughts on the matter.

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It is true that science has settled the issue, but it isn't necessarily settled philosophically.  


Call me anti-intellectual, but I think "philosophies" that deny observable reality belong in the crapper.

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Fidei Defensor

Call me anti-intellectual, but I think "philosophies" that deny observable reality belong in the crapper.


What is the nature of reality?

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said before bears saying again. is a lego a transformer or a snowball a snow man? if no, at what point does a collection of legos, balls become the completed product? same could be argued w cells, humans.

i agree it's a grave sin to abort at all, but dont consider those above arguments final as others here do

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