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Uppity Citizens Must Be Stopped!


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I'm sure neck-bearded fatbody Mark Shea would be horrified by the notion of juror nullification. Why, imagine the temerity of mere private citizens telling the State to go pound sand!


And yet, it's true. Faced with the omnipotent moral busybody crap crammed down our throats by both wings of the American Fascist Party, we citizens have the ability and the right to judge their asinine laws. So, if you ever find yourself getting jury duty, don't skip. You might be the only hope for keeping someone from being thrown in a cage over smoking weed, or unlocking a cell phone. Or some other BS law (or regulation, since we no longer have to muck about actually passing laws, anymore. Just get some glorified mall cops like the thugs in the ATF to regulate something. Voila! another way to throw people in cages! "YAY State! Wooooo!"--Mark Shea, government worshiping neckbeard).





This is why we can't have nice things.

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I'm sure neck-bearded fatbody Mark Shea would be horrified by the notion of juror nullification. Why, imagine the temerity of mere private citizens telling the State to go pound sand!


And yet, it's true. Faced with the omnipotent moral busybody crap crammed down our throats by both wings of the American Fascist Party, we citizens have the ability and the right to judge their asinine laws. So, if you ever find yourself getting jury duty, don't skip. You might be the only hope for keeping someone from being thrown in a cage over smoking weed, or unlocking a cell phone. Or some other BS law (or regulation, since we no longer have to muck about actually passing laws, anymore. Just get some glorified mall cops like the thugs in the ATF to regulate something. Voila! another way to throw people in cages! "YAY State! Wooooo!"--Mark Shea, government worshiping neckbeard).





This is why we can't have nice things.

I have no idea what you said there...

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Ah, Mark Shea's blog, my old stomping grounds. I don't follow blog comments anymore, and rarely forum debates...everyone has an opinion, I'm learning that argument doesn't amount to much. Figure out how to get along in the world, have a few principles, and die...that's the way to live, it seems. PS: I like neckbeards.

Edited by Era Might
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