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What Gives?


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You have the best eyes. Has anyone ever told you that?


I haven't seen beautiful eyes like that since I gazed into the eyes of The Zodiac.

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I so regret not following through with my threats to Brian about making a meme! This is the greatest meme ever!


Not too late...

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stupid social rule

The humour in this statement is a bit much for me. I'll let you figure it out. Beyond that, I'm off to bed.


Monsters like me have to sleep, too, you know.






Edited by Augusta
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I just called you a name I can't repeat on here, Miles?


D'aw. Brian knows I love him!


Brian, let's hug it out.

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I have been trying to avoid posting in this thread but I just want to say this. 

Augusta, I am sorry that your friend has been hurt. She should not have been treated that way.


You have to understand that this is a sore subject. People who are not virgins are often marginalised and treated as "used" or "damaged goods". They are made to feel worthless - yes, by Catholics. Someone once told me I should never get married because I've basically ruined myself for my husband. You have to try and understand how painful it is to be treated like that. I once heard someone say they wouldn't marry someone who was not a virgin because "you wouldn't want a used car." It hurts to be objectified like that, especially by those of our own faith. Our faith is supposed to be one of forgiveness and redemption, but somehow in this respect people often seem to lack that. 

I am not trying to justify the way your friend has been treated. But please also try and see if from the other side. 

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Not enough to satisfy the curiosity of your friendly neighbourhood Traditionalistanarchistbronyanimefancanadianphilosophynerd.

Send me a PM and I'll answer your questions. Within one business day, too.





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Send me a PM and I'll answer your questions. Within one business day, too.





PMs are too oddly private for my taste. Also approximately 27% of my motivation is directed towards creating additional topics of conversation.

PC, Mac, or Linux?

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PMs are too oddly private for my taste. Also approximately 27% of my motivation is directed towards creating additional topics of conversation.

PC, Mac, or Linux?

All three. Linux is the best, though.



People who are not virgins are often marginalised and treated as "used" or "damaged goods".

I have only seen that once (yes, you know who - I looked him up). Anyway, I've seen more virgin seekers bashed than I could have possibly imagined. It's like a prejudice that's perfectly acceptable. Both in religious and secular circles (though more in religious circles). This is not to say that bashing non-virgins is right or acceptable, and I would tell people off for doing that if I witnessed it.

Some people just don't realize that marriage partner selection is inherently selfish. It just is. There's no "sympathy marriage." We're not marrying someone to the deliberate detriment of our own happiness (not saying marriage is selfish...). If something is an obstacle to a person wanting to marry someone, find a different person. Again, the Karl Keating letter quoted earlier.

Yet, as the stereotype goes, Catholics always have to add guilt to things. There's enough guilt. People marry who they want to marry (yes, within guidelines). That's it. No one should have any say whatsoever in that, besides the two people marrying. No one should think they deserve to have a say in who someone marries or what criteria they do or do not set. It goes for everyone, virgin and non-virgin alike. People can't preach forgiveness while grinding someone into the dirt over who they decide to marry. It's wrong. The Church sets minimal guidelines for who people can marry. That means people have a choice - a free choice. If it's not free (i.e. guilt, etc), the marriage is not valid. I don't think we need to make work for tribunals because we feel that we're the best arbiters of Forgivenessâ„¢.



Okay, ranting before bed is not good. Oi. Anyway...



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Well, I can't see any more need for this thread. Yes, I've read the whole thing: caplock, ponies and sex pistols... everything. We're done. I'm closing this.

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