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Visitadines And Salesian Spirituality


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Hi Pham


I am interested in learning more about Salesian spirituality and the Visitadine Order in particular. Can anyone recommend any books. Preferably something written in a fairly lively style.


Thanking you! x

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Mary's Margaret

Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales is the classic.

You can read it for free here:  http://www.ccel.org/ccel/desales/devout_life.html   


A taste of the spirituality from the De Sales University website:


A key word to characterize Salesian spirituality is "practical." It developed out of DeSales' experience as a bishop of a small diocese and an advisor to a wide variety of people who were interested in living out their faith in their daily lives. Much of his advice was given through letters of spiritual direction written in his spare time. These letters were later complied into his classic work, Introduction to the Devout Life, first published in 1609. DeSales' words have stood the test of time. They continue to guide anyone seeking to live out their baptismal commitment. The concepts listed below provide a basic idea of Salesian spirituality:

1.) All people are called to holiness, not just a select few. It is a "heresy" to banish the devout life from any career or lifestyle.

2.) Since all people are called to holiness, then the means to achieve that holiness must be readily available. One lives the "devout life" by passionately and joyfully meeting the demands of one's state in life for the love of God. It is not so much what you do in your life but how andfor whom you do it. We are called to do the ordinary "passionately well."

3.) The devout life is relational. It is in the living out of our relationships in love that one lives the devout life.

4.) All is life is to be done through love and nothing through force. Love in this case is an act of the will, not a sentiment of the heart. It is seeing good in another and choosing and acting to make that goodness grow. We should more accentuate the positive rather than condemn the negative. We should assume a positive stance towards everyone. "The measure of our love is to love without measure."

5.) HUMILITY—living in self-truthfulness about who we are, both positive and negative, and about who God is towards us ---is an essential virtue. "Come and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart." A Salesian person is unpretentious, natural and approachable.

6.) Humility leads us GENTLENESS towards our neighbor. Because one is so aware of his/her own needs and weaknesses, one extends to another person similar understanding and compassion. Gentleness is not weakness, but rather controlled, directed and loving strength. It might also be described as knowing how to react to life appropriately and proportionately. To quote DeSales: "There is nothing so strong as gentleness and nothing so gentle as real strength."

7.) Civility and respect must mark the behavior of a truly "gentle," devout Christian.

8.) The PRESENT MOMENT is where a Christian lives life. The past is over. The future is yet to be. "NOW is the time of salvation."

9.) Because we have a Savior, we are always OPTIMISTIC. We already know how things are going to end. Sin, death and the things which deny life will not triumph.

10.) A truly devout life enhances, not detracts from, ones life. Real devotion never inconveniences others.

11.) The devout life is a process. It only happens with grace, perseverance and patience over a lifetime. One is always striving to be devout.

12.) Salesian spirituality is primarily a matter of the conversion of the heart. It is therefore something interior.

13.) We are called to be patient with everyone, especially ourselves.

14.) We are called to a "liberty of spirit"—something which includes obedience but which excludes "constraint, scruples and anxiety." "Liberty of spirit" is to obedience to lawful authority as jazz is to the rules of classical music. Mature liberty of spirit in the Salesian tradition is a "jazzy Christianity."


For a more complete treatment of Salesian spirituality, consult the following:

or contact the DeSales Spirituality Center at:

Hope that helps a little.

Edited by Mary's Margaret
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Mary's Margaret

Sorry, the link to the book online didn't show up for some reason.  Introduction to the Devout Life  can be found at Christian Classics Ethereal Library and read online for free.

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I have a wonderful book published by Salesiana Publishers titled "Every Day with Saint Francis de Sales" edited by Francis J. Klauder, S.D.B.

It is $13.00 and can be ordered from De Sales Resource & Ministries, Inc. 




The awesome thing about this book is that it is meant for daily devotional reading.  One page for each day of the year.

Each page contains an excerpt from his writings and a quote for the day, but the most interesting thing about this book is that the authors have included biographical information about the saint according to what he was doing on each particular day of the year in different years of his life.

For instance, today's page (Jan 26) tells what he was doing on this day in 1603.

Jan 23rd's quote was..."Get going!  Resolve to die a thousand times rather than love anyone else more than you love God."


This book is a wonderful way to get to know St. Francis de Sales.  It also contains much information about St. Jean de Chantal and her relationship with de Sales.


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