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Leaving The Sacred United States Is Horrible, Citizen


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Rats. He deleted my funny response to your Pie of the Month comment. Something about how they started hiding C4 in my pie of the month...

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Also, he is a neckbeard.

"If you leave me, beesh, I'll kill you." Every psychotic, abusive piece of crap ever. And now, Mark Shea defending that attitude, and blaming the victim of abuse for seeking to withdraw from the abuse.



Edited by Winchester
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You can leave the us without succeeding. Leaving the US is pretty easy. I've just left it a few times and if I never returned it would not be a problem. I didn't have to tell anyone where I was going or what I was doing. My passport had convenient instruction on how I could renounce my citizenship at the nearest embassy if I fancied once I landed. Nobody is forcing anyone to live here.

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You can leave the us without succeeding. Leaving the US is pretty easy. I've just left it a few times and if I never returned it would not be a problem. I didn't have to tell anyone where I was going or what I was doing. My passport had convenient instruction on how I could renounce my citizenship at the nearest embassy if I fancied once I landed. Nobody is forcing anyone to live here.






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Not what I said. There is a lot about the US that I dislike. None enough to make me want to leave, however. But if I want to leave I can. Very easily. I could be out of the US tomorrow if I wanted. It would take me about ten minutes. There is no sense in pretending otherwise so I can bask in a persecution complex.
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Not what I said. There is a lot about the US that I dislike. None enough to make me want to leave, however. But if I want to leave I can. Very easily. I could be out of the US tomorrow if I wanted. It would take me about ten minutes. There is no sense in pretending otherwise so I can bask in a persecution complex.


I'm talking about letting states withdraw from a political organization. That's the context. I know it's scary to think of the US suddenly being short of the sacred square miles that make us exceptional.

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I'm talking about letting states withdraw from a political organization. That's the context. I know it's scary to think of the US suddenly being short of the sacred square miles that make us exceptional.

Why says that anyone has a right to succeed?
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Who is Mark Shea?  And why should anyone take him seriously?


He's one of the most prominent Catholic bloggers and apologists today, but you're so un-mainstream that you probably haven't heard of him.  :disguise:







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Mark seems to be referring to violent secession there, not a lawful and hopefully peaceful secession that takes place through a legislature or a ballot box.


violent revolution is only permissible as an ABSOLUTE last resort in response to continued oppression, with a reasonable expectation of success (unless the situation is desperate enough that a lost cause is worth it) and you are not going to create a bigger problem than exists... the catechism is quite wise in the listing of criteria for such a thing, and Mark seems to be concerned with the people who seem to be fantasizing about violent revolution as if it's something to be considered lightly.  it is not.  violent revolution looks like Syria and Libya, modern warfare is atrocious and evil and to be avoided if it can be helped.  I think we absolutely must do everything possible to ensure that, as a matter of principle, the option remains open to the people because it's the last-option fail safe against tyranny, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising failed due to the lack of weapons available, for instance, but in dealing with these political fights we should not idealize such an option.  Mark is correct to be a bit horrified by how easily it's thrown about.  The fact is that IF a tyrannical government had the resources of the US Military, your AR-15 is not going to help all that much.  I very much like the idea, in principle, of Oath Keepers in the military and the police as a nullification against any such oppression... citizens keeping arms as a LAST resort and for defense is a good thing, but talk of a violent overthrow of the government is unrealistic, and it's definitely irresponsible when it's talked about as some sort of active thing we should seek out and try to initiate.

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OH, and btw, lest anyone take me for some moderating voice of reason, Obama is a drone strike child-slaughtering war criminal terrorist just as bad if not worse than George W Bush so if anyone has any suggestions on being able to maintain residence within the US without funding the criminal war machine, I'm all ears.  He deserves every ounce of hatred he gets for the evil murders he's conducting around the world; sadly, it seems the hatred tends to spring from other reasons, but out of solidarity with the families of those he murders I cannot grant the man any more respect than I would grant to any murderous terrorist.  I wish we had a bunch of state legislatures willing to secede over THAT, over the irresponsible way we're killing civilians around the world, that should be one of our number 1 outrages against this government (their active slaughter of children with our tax dollars)

Edited by Aloysius
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Groo the Wanderer

Why says that anyone has a right to succeed?



the gubment




you like that 2% tax increase on yer paystub?  and thats just to fund a program that will be bankrupt shortly and from which you will see zero payout when you try to retire

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I think what's strange about secession and revolution talk is not so much the idea of secession and revolution as the fantasy element. It's hard to make a case that there is any real sentiment of secession and revolution in the United States. Starbucks is still standing, people still go the movies, Washington was filled with hundreds of thousands of peaceful witnesses to a non-violent transfer of power just last week. The small segment of the population imagining secession and revolution are largely people who are alienated from society, don't feel they fit in the society that actually exists, etc. I understand that, it's hard to live in a society where you don't fit...but I don't think living in a fantasy is any solution. Reminds me of a Monty Python sketch where Hitler gives a rousing speech in Britain as gentle folk walk by and watch curiously.



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