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The Church's Position On Defense Of Oneself And Family.


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In Northern Ireland, the crazies who mowed down kids were often agents of the State. Apparently, that's morally superior to a private individual doing it.


You believe in aggression, we don't. We're not going to agree, and you think we're nuts. So why are you talking to us? Just support throwing us in cages. From the safety of your home, of course. You'll never get your hands dirty enforcing the acts of aggression you advocate.

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Shillelaghs are/were also, in a way, representative of and a tool of the faction wars in Ireland. But one would rightly be called a moron if they tried to ban shillelaghs.

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I have a problem here,some catholics are saying that church teaching is that its wrong to intend

on defending yourself or your family. If so I highly disagree. 

after what lombardi said regarding the church agreeing with obamas gun control efforts, im kind of pissed they are agreeing with this wanna be dictator.


why would anyone agree with anything obama does.

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why would anyone agree with anything obama does.


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Don't act like you're being victimised when you clearly have not been. I may have said that you seem crazy to the rest of the world, and I certainly DID say that what you have been saying is crazy, but I don't believe I said 'you are crazy'. I also don't recall calling anyone (or implying for that matter) a mass-murderer. I apologise for not answering your question; I either didn't see it or forgot that I did see it. But I still haven't seen a response that actually answers my original question. I've been told it's an irrelevant question, but that still doesn't answer the question.


We are coming from two very different places. I live in a place where, thankfully, gun ownership is not a big issue; the law is the law and that is that. So perhaps you could enlighten me...you want to be able to own a gun in case there is someone else who has a gun who might shoot you, and you believe you have a right to own a gun because some guys a few hundred years ago said that everyone had a right to bear arms? Is that correct, or am I missing something? Also, hypothetically speaking, if Jesus was an American citizen now, do you think he'd be walking about with a gun in case anyone might shoot him? Just a question, not a loaded question (if you'll pardon the pun).


There's an old law in Northern Ireland that states that if you are given freedom of a town or city, you can drive a flock of sheep through it whenever you want. It was a law that was suitable for the time in which it was made, but it would be ridiculous to drive a flock of sheep through Ballymena nowadays...


Basking in ones own sense of victimization tends to go hand in hand with a frantic need to externalize the desire to feel persecuted by buying lots of guns just in case the government decides to wage war on it's own citizens.  In such instances an AR15 will not be helpful since the American military would still bomb the hell out of any rebellion from tends of thousands of feet up but there's no need to think critically about that.  It is ironic that the same corporations that fund organizations like the NRA which whip up hysteria about the need of an armed citizenry to defend against government aggression are the same corporations whose intense lobbying of congress created the glut of arms in the pentagon which then pushed those supplies to police stations across the country (need to make room to have more reasons to buy more guns) and led the very paramilitarized police forces that these people are so (legitimately) concerned about and have helped inflate a pentagon budget which is so massive that any sort of violent resistance on the part of American citizens would quickly be smashed by predator drones.  






Hey!  Look!  A strawman!

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Hey!  Look!  A strawman!

No, some people do believe this. Just as some people believe those who secede would deserve to be killed. Is that anyone's position in here? I'm not sure.
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lol ive read history, ill be damned if im giving my guns up. A japanese admiral once said "it would be impossible to invade mainland america because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass". Disarming america would be the end of america. There IS NOT going to be a disarming or confiscation ill tell you that much. 

No. It's crazy to think the government should be limited. You're an extremist. We should be more like Northern Ireland.


The Provos had RPGs.


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Basking in ones own sense of victimization tends to go hand in hand with a frantic need to externalize the desire to feel persecuted by buying lots of guns just in case the government decides to wage war on it's own citizens.  In such instances an AR15 will not be helpful since the American military would still bomb the hell out of any rebellion from tends of thousands of feet up but there's no need to think critically about that.  It is ironic that the same corporations that fund organizations like the NRA which whip up hysteria about the need of an armed citizenry to defend against government aggression are the same corporations whose intense lobbying of congress created the glut of arms in the pentagon which then pushed those supplies to police stations across the country (need to make room to have more reasons to buy more guns) and led the very paramilitarized police forces that these people are so (legitimately) concerned about and have helped inflate a pentagon budget which is so massive that any sort of violent resistance on the part of American citizens would quickly be smashed by predator drones.  





Hey!  Look!  A strawman!

actually it has already happened in michigan, but your loony left media makes no mention of it. They are already attacking patriots and watching them every where. Military helicopters have been spotted, some were even firing. So you can be happy theyre already trying to squash us. 


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Fidei Defensor

actually it has already happened in michigan, but your loony left media makes no mention of it. They are already attacking patriots and watching them every where. Military helicopters have been spotted, some were even firing. So you can be happy theyre already trying to squash us. 



The source is the Kremlin? Russian news sources--at the top of my list!

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