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Why do you all not realise how crazy you sound to the rest of the world?

The truth is not the same as the majority opinion.

Do you realize how little that accusation actually means?

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Basilisa Marie

Keeping in mind however, one does not have the right to violate, limit, or take away someone else's rights or property.  



When you advocate that people be subject to violence for non-violent acts, then yes, you are being a bad Catholic (in the sense of rejecting moral law).



I didn't realize we were playing the "ignore what I say and make up something else"  game.  

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Why do you all not realise how crazy you sound to the rest of the world?


Yes, I realize that those afflicted with Stockholm Syndrome think I'm just totally batcaca for opposing the State.

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I didn't realize we were playing the "ignore what I say and make up something else"  game.  


You're pro gun control. Owning a gun, even one with features that make it an "assault weapon", is a peaceful act. Gun control is accomplished by legislation, and it carries penalties. Breaking the legislation will result in violence committed against you. For a peaceful act.


So yeah, you said that people should be harmed for peaceful acts. Unless you're saying there shouldn't be any penalties for not obeying the arbitrary rules that make up "gun control". In which case, I am totally cool with a toothless state pontificating about what peaceful acts I shouldn't do.


But, last I checked, the State will kill your wife and son if you cut a shotgun barrel too short. So...

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Why do you all not realise how crazy you sound to the rest of the world?


This is rich, coming from someone who is presumably both pro life and catholic, neither of which are resoundingly popular world wide.

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This issue is profoundly affecting my faith in the church. I know lombardis words are not binding but many Catholics are taking it that way. More gun control is only going to effect law abiding citizens! It has no effect on criminals and government! That's leaves us and our families vulnerable! Because I believe in my country and freedom I'm being labeled a heretic.



It's interesting that there are some counties that have almost no gun deaths since gun laws have no impact whatsoever on criminals!!!!!

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I didn't realize we were playing the "ignore what I say and make up something else" game.

I was being nice. Agreeing with you, you can believe what you wanna believe, but you cannot force your beliefs on others that would violate their rights or property. Voting for someone else to do it for you wouldn't be right either.
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Why do you all not realise how crazy you sound to the rest of the world?

Sure, I might offend a few of the bluenoses with my cocky stride and musky odors -- oh, I'll never be the darling of the so-called ‘City Fathers’ who cluck their tongues, stroke their beards, and talk about ‘What's to be done with this Homer Simpson?
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I was being nice. Agreeing with you, you can believe what you wanna believe, but you cannot force your beliefs on others that would violate their rights or property. Voting for someone else to do it for you wouldn't be right either.

You're alright, for a minarchist.

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Ok, let me rephrase that...why do you not see that what you're saying IS crazy?


I was brought up in a part of the world well known for it's troubled history. My dad was nearly killed in a bomb, my mum was held by the army as a teenager simply because she was walking down the street after babysitting a friend's child, she has had a gun put to her head, I have friends who have lost family members in shootings and bombs, my brother was beaten up because he has a 'Catholic' name...the list goes on.


Despite this, I am glad that I don't live in a country where people arm themselves out of fear of their own neighbours. If someone breaks into my house, they won't be carrying a gun. If someone steals my bag in the street, they won't be carrying a gun.


Your constitution may say that you have a 'right' to own a gun, but I couldn't give two hoots about your constitution. What I care about is the fact that my family are all still alive despite what they've been through. The vast majority of Northern Ireland want to move on from violence, and that includes gun crime. Perhaps that negative experience has been a good thing, because at least we don't have crazies running around killing dozens of school children.

Edited by Noel's angel
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Ok, let me rephrase that...why do you not see that what you're saying IS crazy?

I was brought up in a part of the world well known for it's troubled history. My dad was nearly killed in a bomb, my mum was held by the army as a teenager simply because she was walking down the street after babysitting a friend's child, she has had a gun put to her head, I have friends who have lost family members in shootings and bombs, my brother was beaten up because he has a 'Catholic' name...the list goes on.

Despite this, I am glad that I don't live in a country where people arm themselves out of fear of their own neighbours. If someone breaks into my house, they won't be carrying a gun. If someone steals my bag in the street, they won't be carrying a gun.

Your constitution may say that you have a 'right' to own a gun, but I couldn't give two hoots about your constitution. What I care about is the fact that my family are all still alive despite what they've been through. The vast majority of Northern Ireland want to move on from violence, and that includes gun crime. Perhaps that negative experience has been a good thing, because at least we don't have crazies running around killing dozens of school children.

Too late, you've already marginalized us crazies, whatever ever answer is given you'll dismiss as the ramblings of a crazy person that apparently you compare to mass-murders. I would also point out you did not answer my question to you the first time I answered yours. Would you be so kind to answer this crazy person's question? Or you could just continue to the marginalizations and insults.
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Don't act like you're being victimised when you clearly have not been. I may have said that you seem crazy to the rest of the world, and I certainly DID say that what you have been saying is crazy, but I don't believe I said 'you are crazy'. I also don't recall calling anyone (or implying for that matter) a mass-murderer. I apologise for not answering your question; I either didn't see it or forgot that I did see it. But I still haven't seen a response that actually answers my original question. I've been told it's an irrelevant question, but that still doesn't answer the question.


We are coming from two very different places. I live in a place where, thankfully, gun ownership is not a big issue; the law is the law and that is that. So perhaps you could enlighten me...you want to be able to own a gun in case there is someone else who has a gun who might shoot you, and you believe you have a right to own a gun because some guys a few hundred years ago said that everyone had a right to bear arms? Is that correct, or am I missing something? Also, hypothetically speaking, if Jesus was an American citizen now, do you think he'd be walking about with a gun in case anyone might shoot him? Just a question, not a loaded question (if you'll pardon the pun).


There's an old law in Northern Ireland that states that if you are given freedom of a town or city, you can drive a flock of sheep through it whenever you want. It was a law that was suitable for the time in which it was made, but it would be ridiculous to drive a flock of sheep through Ballymena nowadays...

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Don't act like you're being victimised when you clearly have not been. I may have said that you seem crazy to the rest of the world, and I certainly DID say that what you have been saying is crazy, but I don't believe I said 'you are crazy'. I also don't recall calling anyone (or implying for that matter) a mass-murderer. I apologise for not answering your question; I either didn't see it or forgot that I did see it. But I still haven't seen a response that actually answers my original question. I've been told it's an irrelevant question, but that still doesn't answer the question.


We are coming from two very different places. I live in a place where, thankfully, gun ownership is not a big issue; the law is the law and that is that. So perhaps you could enlighten me...you want to be able to own a gun in case there is someone else who has a gun who might shoot you, and you believe you have a right to own a gun because some guys a few hundred years ago said that everyone had a right to bear arms? Is that correct, or am I missing something? Also, hypothetically speaking, if Jesus was an American citizen now, do you think he'd be walking about with a gun in case anyone might shoot him? Just a question, not a loaded question (if you'll pardon the pun).


There's an old law in Northern Ireland that states that if you are given freedom of a town or city, you can drive a flock of sheep through it whenever you want. It was a law that was suitable for the time in which it was made, but it would be ridiculous to drive a flock of sheep through Ballymena nowadays...


Don't act like you're not being insulting when you, however you'd like to think of it, are labeling people as crazy, or acting crazy. 


I answered you're question, twice, I understand it may not fit the template you had hoped it would, but still I answered it, twice. I asked my question in Post #36.

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