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Knights Of Columbus


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Roamin Catholic
It was the 3rd degree they were upset by.  All moot since the 3rd degree initiation has changed anyway.


PM if you like.  I am a 3rd degree Knight.



Old 3rd degree was better than the new one. 



damn. i need to be a knight.


You must want to buy insurance eh? 



you could be in the auxilliary...I think they are called The Ladies of the Knights....or sumthin   




LOL, barely any councils have an active auxiliary. Some might have a Catholic Daughters, but that is about as close as it gets. 

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I sent you a message


Why would it not be civil??

Well, as Groo said, the 3rd Degree had people upset with use of deception.  But it's been changed, and as Nihil said, it almost got revealed here on the Phorum, which would be a big no no.


You should join.  :|  :|


Well I am Catholic now. :|  Actually I'm kind of going to a "we're not pressuring you to join really" KoC pig roast on Sunday.

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Groo the Wanderer

Largest Catholic lay service org in the world, great insurance programs, food and beer.   what's not to like?

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Because it help men feel like men...

I'm a 3rd degree knight, and will be doing my 4th degree exemplification hopefully this spring. It was probably my third bet decision in my life to join, just after 1) becoming Catholic and 2) deciding to meet with the archdioces' Vocation Director.

The fraternal bonds are great, plus as the second youngest member of my Council it has been a wonderful way for me to connect with the older generation of my Prish, plus the KoC seem to be involved in some way in almost every Parish function so I have a good idea of what's going on so I can get more involved.

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Why do the boys get all the cool secret clubs with secret initiations and secret-y secrets?  




I was browsing memes before getting back to work, so I had to do this:


More likely, you all just keep your clubs a secret better. :)


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Roamin Catholic
Well I am Catholic now. :|  Actually I'm kind of going to a "we're not pressuring you to join really" KoC pig roast on Sunday.



You'll be signing that form 100 and joining before Sunday ends...

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wouldn't work. women can be such beeshes. i'd rather be drinking with the men.


Some of the women do drink with the men at events hosted by my council.  Or maybe I should say my old council, I'll be transferring in a couple months.

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You'll be signing that form 100 and joining before Sunday ends...


I kinda doubt that.  I did laugh that you know the exact form number though. :)  And good to see you for all of 3-4 posts before you were banished back to work again!

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Roamin Catholic
I kinda doubt that. I did laugh that you know the exact form number though. :) And good to see you for all of 3-4 posts before you were banished back to work again!

I'm always working. No shifts for this job.

I'll send you the form if you don't sign up. I have a bunch..
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Old 3rd degree was better than the new one.

You must want to buy insurance eh?

LOL, barely any councils have an active auxiliary. Some might have a Catholic Daughters, but that is about as close as it gets.

At my church they do have a women's branch for the KoC. It's called the Columbiettes.
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I kinda doubt that.  I did laugh that you know the exact form number though. :)  And good to see you for all of 3-4 posts before you were banished back to work again!


Nobody in my council calls it the signup form or anything like that, we all just call it Form 100.

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At my church they do have a women's branch for the KoC. It's called the Columbiettes.



Ok ... no offense, really.  But.  I hate the name "Columbiettes." :|

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