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Historical Scenario: Internment During Wwii

Nihil Obstat

Japanese Internment Camps  

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It doesn't seem to be a very good deterrent since most state-corporate systems have found pretty effective means of controlling their populations without armed conflict and those thuggish and unsophisticated enough to require outright fighting don't seem too bothered with high body counts.  


Unless you've access to alternate realities (and you don't, since I've prevented that from occurring), you really don't know how much it has deterred.

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Sure.  Guns can make you feel safe.  I can think of plenty of instances where I would have felt much safer if I had been armed and a few where I actually would have been much safer had I been armed.  But again we are back to feelings.  In the highly unlikely event that you are in a state of armed revolt against the Canadian government having a gun will make you feel safer.  And on that basis mild gun control laws that could save thousands of lives cannot be passed.  That strikes me as selfish.  


I consider defending against the canadian govt to be about as likely as zombies actually happening. At least currently. But with a wider view of history, so far every nation eventually fails, is taken over, or implodes. Maybe we are past that now, but I kinda doubt it.


Still, other scenarios are much more immediate and useful to consider. For instance, survival in natural disaster type scenarios. Like when Katrina happened and the police and military were completely unable to stop roaming bandits/looters/murderers. Heck, the police were part of the problem when they started going door to door and permanently confiscating legally owned guns from citizens there. Current society is nice, but it doesnt take more than a few days without power/food/shelter/etc for that to all go to hell.


But more pressingly, defending from animals and criminals is a real problem here. Still unlikely, but it still happens on a fairly regular basis.


What sort of gun laws do you expect will save thousands of lives in the USA?

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The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the firebombings of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Berlin, etc., were shockingly evil.

But that does not reduce the fact that interning innocent people because of where their families come from is simply inexcusable.


put this scenario in prospective


The A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki, killed an estimated 40,000 people on the day it was dropped.



Because the Americans were afraid of the Japanese race they forced every Japanese citizen living in America to live in internment camps.  Some people had to live in the camps for up to four years.  When the government realized that the Japanese-Americans were innocent they were released and every person that was kept in a camp and gave them each $20,000.


they was 1,555,308 japanese casualties from 1941-45 in the Pacific War.

  1. Against US - 485,717
  2. Against UK/Netherlands - 208,026
  3. In China - 202,958
  4. Against Australia - 199,511
  5. French Indochina - 2,803
  6. Against USSR - 7,483
  7. Other overseas - 23,388
  8. Japan proper - 10,543
  9. Navy 1941/45 - 414,879

- Only one third of the military deaths occurred in actual combat, the majority being caused by illness and starvation.

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put this scenario in prospective
The A-bomb dropped on Nagasaki, killed an estimated 40,000 people on the day it was dropped.
Because the Americans were afraid of the Japanese race they forced every Japanese citizen living in America to live in internment camps.  Some people had to live in the camps for up to four years.  When the government realized that the Japanese-Americans were innocent they were released and every person that was kept in a camp and gave them each $20,000.
they was 1,555,308 japanese casualties from 1941-45 in the Pacific War.

  • Against US - 485,717
  • Against UK/Netherlands - 208,026
  • In China - 202,958
  • Against Australia - 199,511
  • French Indochina - 2,803
  • Against USSR - 7,483
  • Other overseas - 23,388
  • Japan proper - 10,543
  • Navy 1941/45 - 414,879
- Only one third of the military deaths occurred in actual combat, the majority being caused by illness and starvation.

I am not sure what you are trying to tell me, but I stand by what I said:

The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the firebombings of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Berlin, etc., were shockingly evil.
But that does not reduce the fact that interning innocent people because of where their families come from is simply inexcusable.

Every single time the nuclear bombings come up on Phatmass I am more than willing to argue about their absolute horrific nature and complete moral depravity, so you do not need to convince me.

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I am not sure what you are trying to tell me, but I stand by what I said:

Every single time the nuclear bombings come up on Phatmass I am more than willing to argue about their absolute horrific nature and complete moral depravity, so you do not need to convince me.


the interment was " a piece of cake"

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the interment was " a piece of cake"

A piece of cake filled with barbed wire and flagrant moral transgression?

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Add, are you actually trying to defend the internment of japanese and asian citizens in canada and the USA?

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Add, are you actually trying to defend the internment of japanese and asian citizens in canada and the USA?



I’m not advocating interment,   


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Add, are you actually trying to defend the internment of japanese and asian citizens in canada and the USA?



I’m not advocating interment,   

Close, but that is not exactly what Nick asked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the interment was " a piece of cake"


let the japanese eat cake, right?


I don't think you intend to come across this way, but it sounds like you're suggesting that because other evil things were happening, this particular evil event wasn't that bad by comparison, which is a completely ludicrous way of looking at things.  if your point is that you'd rather have been interred than have lived in Hiroshima when it was bombed, I suppose I'd agree, but the reasoning ends there.  those other evils do not make the internment of the Japanese look any less evil to me than it did before.

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and it was ordered by a democrat



And by a Republican Governor of California.  That Republican's name war Earl Warren.  His participation in racial oppression scared him for life and was a major motivating force during his time as Chief Justice and the ferocity with which his fought to expand basic rights down the social ladder.  

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You're an extremist. FDR was a saint, and his measures were necessary to keep us safe and get us out of the Great Depression.











(props to the first person in the next 24 hours to know the reference)

Edited by Norseman82
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Groo the Wanderer

And by a Republican Governor of California.  That Republican's name war Earl Warren.  His participation in racial oppression scared him for life and was a major motivating force during his time as Chief Justice and the ferocity with which his fought to expand basic rights down the social ladder.  



California has had no real republicans since Reagan.  Not many before Reagan either.   Earl Warren was a Mason stooge

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California has had no real republicans since Reagan.  Not many before Reagan either.   Earl Warren was a Mason stooge



Earl Warren was before Reagan's time.  If he was a mason then more power to the masons.  And Warren was a profoundly better human being than the venal and insufferably dense Reagan, who was a willing and eager informant to the FBI.  Not sure how that meshes with your abhorrence of the centralized, federal government.  

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