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1962 Missal


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I just got the '62 missal put out by Angelus Press. I was just wondering if there's anyone here who uses that missal and if so what, other than the propers and commons of the Mass, do you have bookmarked? Also are there any particular devotions that you like? I just got it on Tuesday and there's so much in there I don't even know where to start!

JMJ+ :heart: 

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Nihil Obstat

I do not have the Angelus Press one, but it looks excellent. I generally use the Baronius one, but I have an older one that used to belong to my great aunt that I have used occasionally.

Anyway, the way my Baronius missal is laid out, I have bookmarked the Ordinary (starting at the Asperges), the Propers of the day I am on, the Prefaces (Preface of the Holy Trinity, since I use it most often), devotions, and the ordo of the Nuptial Mass, just for interest's sake.

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