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Books On Ignatian Spirituality?


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I recently discovered that my hopeful community follows Ignatian spirituality since the Foundress was closely linked with the Jesuits while she was forming the order.  I would like to read up about Ignatian spirituality and I was wondering what good books are out there about this topic?  I know that Fr. Tim Gallagher is a good author but I was wondering if there were more.  Thanks!

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The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything is pretty awesome. It gives a good over view of Ignatian Spirituality. Also Armchair Mystic is another one of my favorites.


Ignatian Spirituality is really great!

Edited by TheresaThoma
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I recently discovered that my hopeful community follows Ignatian spirituality since the Foundress was closely linked with the Jesuits while she was forming the order.  I would like to read up about Ignatian spirituality and I was wondering what good books are out there about this topic?  I know that Fr. Tim Gallagher is a good author but I was wondering if there were more.  Thanks!


Which community are you talking about?

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I don't think Mater has told us yet as she is still waiting to hear back from the community as far as entering. She does though on occasion give us "tasty" hints!

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Books by Marko Ivan Rupnik are very helpful. I don't know how many jae been translated into English but here is one that helped me a lot http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Burning-Bush-Initiation-Ressourcement/dp/0802828329/ref=la_B001KHRZ64_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1357157322&sr=1-3

For some reason I have the impression that you speak French. I could be confusing you with someone else but I read this one too and found it helpful. I can't find it in English though http://www.amazon.com/Au-regard-Dieu-Lexamen-conscience/dp/2873564830/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357157573&sr=1-1&keywords=Rupnik+conscience

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When I had an Ignatian spiritual director, he had me read this book


Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Livining  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Discernment-Spirits-Ignatian-Everyday-Living/dp/0824522915


I enjoyed it very much and have used many of the suggestions in my own likfe.



I recommend TheresaThomas' suggestion as well (it is a good read).  But "Discernment of Spirits" (yes by Fr. Gallagher) is a must read, even if you're not into Ignatian spirituality.  It can really explain some of the spiritual experiences (highs and lows, i.e. consolation and desolation) very well with the main focus being desolation.


If you are more of a listener, there is a CD series on the book, which is based on the book but is not the book word-for-word (more of a series of lectures on the book).

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I am taking a break from Phatmass for the time being.  I am no longer in need of the books.  Thank you anyways.  Please keep me in your prayers.  I am no longer discerning with the community as they felt their requirements would be too rigorous for me.  Thus, the break from VS.

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I am taking a break from Phatmass for the time being.  I am no longer in need of the books.  Thank you anyways.  Please keep me in your prayers.  I am no longer discerning with the community as they felt their requirements would be too rigorous for me.  Thus, the break from VS.



Praying for you MM. 

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I am taking a break from Phatmass for the time being.  I am no longer in need of the books.  Thank you anyways.  Please keep me in your prayers.  I am no longer discerning with the community as they felt their requirements would be too rigorous for me.  Thus, the break from VS.


Mater, I don't know if you will see this, but you are really an inspiration to me, and to others on the forum I am sure. Have a blessed 2013, and I will keep you in my prayers. Please pray for me too.

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Praying, Mater.... very hard, I know.  Been there.      If any of us can help, let us know, otherwise know we are praying for you....

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Mater, not sure if you will see this but my heart and prayers are with you. I know the pain of letting go of long established hopes.

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