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Catholic Slogans: The Cool And The Quirky


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Saw this on facebook somewhere: "If life is too hard to stand, just kneel"


My cover photo. You creepin'?

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Only virtual photons have mass and you'll never directly see a virtual photon.


But much to many people's surprise, neutrinos have mass.



Referring to St. Lawrence:


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A local billboard sad: "Having an abortion doesn't make you n-pregnant. It makes you the mother of a dead baby."

Serious, and simply true. Undeniable, unless you make the unreasonable conclusion that the unborn baby is not a child.

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In response to this, I have to tell this story: I once had dinner with a rabbi who had 14 children. (I once had dinner with a rabbi who had 18, too, but that's a different story. And probably wouldn't raise too many eyebrows among Catholics.) Anyway, the one with 14 traveled the world giving lectures on Torah. Sometimes he took his kids. Not all 14 of them, but 6 or 7 or so. On one trip, when his kids were in tow, a woman approached him after the lecture. His children were all around him, getting ready to leave. She looked at all the kids and said, "Oh... Are these all yours?" "Yes," he said. She shook her head regretfully, clicked her tongue, and said, "Too many." He put on a look of sincere worry and replied, "Oh, no. Really? What should I do?!"


My props are out and I can't like this post! Oh, cruel fate! :sad:

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Groo the Wanderer

Aint no party like a Catholic party, cause the Catholic party just don't stop!



Feast days all over da place ya know!

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Haha! Love that quote, GW!! (I'm having trouble quoting you..) I'm pretty sure it's part of the Jesus Chant/rap, though I learnt it like so...


'There ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party 'cause a Holy Ghost party don't stop.' ' The youth (the what??) the youth (the what??) the youth ARE ON FIRE! And we don't need the devil cause the devil IS A LIAR!!'


Great song. I have a vid that I might upload if people want to know the rest of it...


And here is my daily two pence. Go look up what it means, lol!!



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Is this one Catholic? Yes, but not only just Catholic...just thought of it tho

3,500 abortions every day in the U.S.A. Outlaw assault mothers.

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You flag seems odd to me.  Also what is crossroads?


Yes, I guess it does. And Crossroads is a pro-life walk over some majorly-long distance (like thousands of miles) to promote life over abortion. For an insanely better description, go to http://www.crossroadswalk.org/. God bless!

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