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Leaving Tomorrow For Carmel


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I think we are basically on the same page with the perfectionism thing, actually, Nunsense... speaking for myself, at least, when I am most insecure and frightened is when I trust myself rather than God. Seems to help me to keep my eyes on Him and give Him the little bit that I can do rather than get petrified and stuck in what I can't. 


I loved what you said about this: 


The problem with this attitude however is that God doesn't judge only on what we do but other things as well, things that we can't always see or understand. Jesus was pretty harsh about the stewards who didn't do a good job while the master was away, so He does care what we do, but even if we fail, He cares about the efforts we have made and the intentions in our heart at the time as well. So as you say, love plays a big part in pleasing God. 'Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.' 1 Peter 4:8


And I definitely agree about scruples are DIFFERENT than just being pridefully self-focused.  Correction / clarification accepted!  HOW WE WILL MISS YOU HERE!!!!!   But we won't live trap you and keep you, either....


Glad your friend will let us know that the door is locked securely behind you and the Lord.  ;)





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Always enjoying your posts about your discernment, Nunsense! You've certainly had so many experiences and its been nice also to see how Our Lord has worked everything out for you along the way. God bless and please say a prayer for me in Carmel. :)

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I have learnt a lot from your insights. I have decided to follow God, wherever he leads me even if might mean a cloister. Keep me in your prayers, so I may discern God's will for me.







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Thanks everyone. I will try to post a quick goodbye to everyone tomorrow before I leave the hotel. I appreciate all the kind words and good wishes.


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I will think of you tomorrow Nunsense.

It seems strange to have followed your travels around the world, and now you are settling just 90 miles from me!

All best wishes


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I am going to miss your posts - you have been such a bright presence here in VS. If I am ever up in that direction, I shall have to visit Wolverhampton! 

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Thanks everyone. I will try to post a quick goodbye to everyone tomorrow before I leave the hotel. I appreciate all the kind words and good wishes.


I'll miss you so much, Nunsense! Thank you for helping me so much since I got here! I will always remember what you have done for me!

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Ah, nunsense, you are so close! I can feel your anticipation. And of course I cannot leave a farewell message without asking you to pray for me once again.


May Our Lady of Carmel keep you under her mantle, and may these last hours outside the cloister pass quickly for you!

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Praised be Jesus Christ! Very happy for you, nunsense!! I will remember you before Our Lord in prayer as you enter and after :pray: If you could say a prayer if you remember sometime/s for me, I would greatly appreciate it! May God reward you and be with you, as He is! & Our Blessed Mother, Queen & Beauty of Carmel :heart:

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Thanks again everyone. The day has finally arrived. I have to hop in the shower and then get my things packed up again. The Express&Star, a Midlands paper tweeted that they wanted to do a feature on me, but I told them they should contact the Prioress - maybe they should do a story on the Golden Jubilee that just happened instead. I am not some young thing who would be a good ad for vocations! :lol:


Anyway, prayers for you emmaberry as you prepare to enter. Prayers for FP as you try to discern your vocation. AnneLine, loved your emails. Darcy, come visit the nuns some time if you are so close! And thanks to Barb and Coralie and Max and Grace and Maravillas and Aspirant and TheresaT and Eowyn and Inperpetuity and MarieLyn and Francisclare and Graciela and Little Sister and Iggy and StrictlyInkblot and Juchu and RosaI and MM and Sr Marie and Antignos and Savvy and VJAM and PetitPelerin and FCC and Non Novi and EmilyAnn and Christina Therese, and Chiquitunga for good wishes.  I know there are many more of you who have been so kind to me here and I thank you all. I have also enjoyed the 'debates' lately on VS - don't be afraid to have differing opinions - just post with charity and all shall be well :)


Pray for our Church and priests, for our Holy Father,  for all those who have been injured by individuals in the Church and for vocations. Pray for healing in this world and that those in need may come to know God's love and compassion. Not goobye, just au revoir! :wave:



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Thank you, nunsense - a really lovely post and I have a tear or two in my eyes.  God bless you richly in every single way and may your Joy and Peace be complete.

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