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Head Coverings For Women

Lil Red

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I know this has been brought up before, this is why I'm posting this. It's from [url="http://www.scborromeo.org/index2.htm"]St. Charles Borromeo website[/url] under the title "I'm Glad you asked".

Here's what it had to say:

[quote]Q. When and who said women no longer had to cover their head with a veil?

The 1917 Code of Canon Law contained a provision requiring women to wear a veil or hat to cover their heads in church. This was based on St. Paul's comments on the conduct of men and women at public worship services (1 Corinthians 11:2-16). The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its declaration Inter insigniores, dated 15 October 1976, states that the obligation imposed upon women to wear a covering on the head was probably inspired by the customs of the period and as such, it constitutes a disciplinary practice of minor importance that no longer has a normative value. The provision to wear a head covering does not appear in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. This does not prevent a woman from wearing a head covering if she so desires, but she is no longer required to do so. [/quote]

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How's this for debate: God inspired every single word of the Sacred Scriptures. Included in that is the command that women cover their heads in Church. It is a divine commandment and was observed by the Church for 1976 years (and is still observed by many). Anyone who says that it was merely local or temporal custom is ignoring the clear fact that the Church observed it for 1976 years. And besides that, the CDF did not declare that the obligation WAS merely a custom of the period, but said that it PROBABLY was, which is not exactly a strong statement and not one I would rest on if I was going to stop doing what the Church has always done.

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Pax Iesus Christi

Before February this year, I didnt really care for this, or much of the Old Church, but Ive seen the Latin Mass, the Old teachings and Old Customs, and since Vatican II a lot has been lost or lapsed, including this, Ive become very traditional, I agree with PSPX on this. Its in inspired Scripture and must be upheld, to stay that this is just merely a timely custom opens the door for a lot of other things as well.

I Pray the next Pope brings back the strictness and Old Ways.


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OK, first off let me say that I don't have a problem about wearing a head covering in church and if my priest, my bishop or the Pope said I should, I most certainly would. In my church at the moment there are only one or two women who wear head coverings and these are almost all from an asian background - in the parts of asia where they originate from it is [i]culturally[/i] expected that all women wear head coverings when they are out in public.

[quote]Its in inspired Scripture and must be upheld, to stay that this is just merely a timely custom opens the door for a lot of other things as well.[/quote]

This argument I find difficult however since it can equally be applied to many other things in the bible which are no longer practiced. It's the same argument used by protestants to start another denomination when the one they are in doesn't agree with their interpretation of the bible!

If I remember rightly, Cmom posted some very good stuff from church teaching about head covering in the previous thread on this topic.....

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[quote name='Ellenita' date='May 25 2004, 05:06 AM']

This argument I find difficult however since it can equally be applied to many other things in the bible which are no longer practiced. It's the same argument used by protestants to start another denomination when the one they are in doesn't agree with their interpretation of the bible!


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"Whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven..."

So, I suppose if the Church doesn't require women to wear head coverings, neither will Our Lord...

And yes, certainly, mulls: women teach college-level courses, even in Catholic seminaries. Though, it's usually the goddess-worship, new age courses. :rolleyes: har har har!!!

Actually, that's really not very funny.... :sadder:

Pax Christi. <><

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I think women look sweet when the cover their heads in Church, but I submit to the authority of the Pope in this. (I know my own authority isn't enough...especially as far as women are concerned. ) :hide:

Edited by theculturewarrior
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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='May 25 2004, 11:56 AM'] I think women look sweet when the cover their heads in Church [/quote]
that's not really the point....the point is to take the focus off the looks of the women and keep the focus on the glory of God

and i know what you're saying, i'm not implying that you missed the point. personally, i also find it sweet when women do this, because of humility and obedience to God.

it's particularly inspiring when women my age (18-21) do this on their own, without anyone telling them they have to, considering all of the women's liberty stuff that goes directly against this sort of thing, especially on a college campus.

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