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Your belief is irrelevant to your current predicament of loneliness.
For the believer "God helps those that help themselves" for the non believer "There is no god, you need to do it yourself"

If you are desperately lonely then there are certainly steps you can take, join clubs, communities, initiate conversation, actively seek companionship.

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I am vey lonely and God does not help me. Why should I even beleive in Christianity anymore?


Your question is a good one and one that deserves self-reflection I think.


The model that Jesus sets for Christians is one of compassion and community.  Beginning in eternity past, the trinity (or tri-unity) of Father, Son and Holy Spirit lived in perfect community.  By creating a habitat and people to live there, community was extended and expected to be among mankind.


And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Genesis 2:8)


Our desire for community - and your very visceral and overwhelming feeling of loneliness shout that we are not in perfect Eden anymore.  We are in a fallen world, with fallen people, never reaching out to one another in the ways that we should.


A possible answer to your question, is that you should believe in Christianity because it predicts loneliness.  Christianity predicts suffering, broken relationships, and painful lives.  As representatives of Jesus, the Christian community is called (in the Spirit) to reach out to people who are suffering and commands them to create a new community.  It's not that loneliness doesn't exist because Jesus came - it's that loneliness exists because Christians often do a poor job emulating Christ.



There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)


The message here should perhaps be a reminder to us as Christians that there are lonely people these holidays, and we have a responsibility to extend a loving community to new people always.

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You could always join your local Tea party, and enjoy the world's finest exports with friends.  

Edited by r2Dtoo
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You could always join your local Tea party, and enjoy the world's finest exports with friends.  

I do like drinking tea. It is my favourite drink of all times.

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Your question is a good one and one that deserves self-reflection I think.


The model that Jesus sets for Christians is one of compassion and community.  Beginning in eternity past, the trinity (or tri-unity) of Father, Son and Holy Spirit lived in perfect community.  By creating a habitat and people to live there, community was extended and expected to be among mankind.



Our desire for community - and your very visceral and overwhelming feeling of loneliness shout that we are not in perfect Eden anymore.  We are in a fallen world, with fallen people, never reaching out to one another in the ways that we should.


A possible answer to your question, is that you should believe in Christianity because it predicts loneliness.  Christianity predicts suffering, broken relationships, and painful lives.  As representatives of Jesus, the Christian community is called (in the Spirit) to reach out to people who are suffering and commands them to create a new community.  It's not that loneliness doesn't exist because Jesus came - it's that loneliness exists because Christians often do a poor job emulating Christ.




The message here should perhaps be a reminder to us as Christians that there are lonely people these holidays, and we have a responsibility to extend a loving community to new people always.


I'm not sure why I can't give this post props, but I just wanted to say it is really beautiful and well articulated.

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God is not a puppet-master. If you are lonely, then do something about it. The Lord is not just going to hand you everything on a platter. He will help you, not do everything for you. So if you put in your due effort, then He will be there to help you. He does not carry us: He helps us to walk.


Perhaps that may seem a small difference, but it is an important one. 

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God is not a puppet-master. If you are lonely, then do something about it. The Lord is not just going to hand you everything on a platter. He will help you, not do everything for you. So if you put in your due effort, then He will be there to help you. He does not carry us: He helps us to walk.


Perhaps that may seem a small difference, but it is an important one. 


Thumbs up!!


And it's important to remember (I find it hard myself and need to be told) that God - is - always - with - you no matter how lonely you feel. He sympathises with you, He laughs with you, He cries with you. Even a Christian who has a personal relationship with Jesus and prays often (and this is vital) will still feel lonely sometimes - HEAPS of the greatest saints felt this way. Mother Teresa felt a similar abandonment for over fifty years! It is in these times where your love for Him is tested. Love is not simply an emotion. Love is a decision. And right now you are called to prove that love. The Lord delights ...in those who wait for His love (Psalm 146 (I think)). 

As for loneliness itself - it will pass. Find a passion. Join a positive, good catholic (if possible) social group. Go and give of yourself. And the Phamily is here for you too! God bless, keep smiling :like3:

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God is not a puppet-master. If you are lonely, then do something about it. The Lord is not just going to hand you everything on a platter. He will help you, not do everything for you. So if you put in your due effort, then He will be there to help you. He does not carry us: He helps us to walk.


Perhaps that may seem a small difference, but it is an important one. 


Thumbs up!!


And it's important to remember (I find it hard myself and need to be told) that God - is - always - with - you no matter how lonely you feel. He sympathises with you, He laughs with you, He cries with you. Even a Christian who has a personal relationship with Jesus and prays often (and this is vital) will still feel lonely sometimes - HEAPS of the greatest saints felt this way. Mother Teresa felt a similar abandonment for over fifty years! It is in these times where your love for Him is tested. Love is not simply an emotion. Love is a decision. And right now you are called to prove that love. The Lord delights ...in those who wait for His love (Psalm 146 (I think)). 

As for loneliness itself - it will pass. Find a passion. Join a positive, good catholic (if possible) social group. Go and give of yourself. And the Phamily is here for you too! God bless, keep smiling :like3:

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