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I Have Had Hives Everywhere For 4 Days For No Reason


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I went to the doctors for it and it was as flaired up and so it was like wiping my butt with my co pay money.  Some of my hives are 7 and a half inches big.  I don't ever typically have allergies so this is weird, ver very very very very very veryv ery itchy.  Pray dad doesn't get pneumonia too please because I don't think he is all that far off.  Nobody can figure out what these hives are from it is totally abnormal something must have changed in my blood.  Mom suspects I got allergic to one of my meds and that would reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally suck.  I would need to change meds though and thats always been a horrific balancing act and now it's a weight problem too cuz I'm getting closer and closer to being underweight.  Thank you for your prayers I will say some for those who sed some here. 

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