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Is That Mistletoe I See?


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Yeah, they are still trying to poke Baby Jesus' eye out on the PM threads.....    My bet is they will stay till Epiphany... or if we irritate dUST about them too much, the Purification...... but I really don't think we need berry much purification....

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i like it. its pretty. but it is in my way, and i do think its poison.


which reminds me: i once had poison ivy (no, sorry, no oak) so bad that the doctor said he could be sued for malpractice if he let me leave without a steroid shot.


to my bum.



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Yup.  Poison Oak on the Western USA, Poison Ivy to the East... not sur about the Sumac stuff, nor if any of it is anywhere else in the world, but it is HORRIBLE stuff. and the steriods are really all that deals with it.....


Not pretty.  Not at all!!!!   And you can spread it on skin and stuff to other people.  Must come straight from hell.... burns like hell fire...


The Carmelite Friars in Oakville, California (Napa valley) have a beautiful retreat house that I guess has a TON of it in the areas around the walk ways.  The poor student Brothers end up having to do 'grounds maintenance' a few times a year.   


They call the property "Poison Oakville"....  he he he....





They haven't updated their website since Advent (bad Carmelites!) but this photo gives you some ideas of the landscape...


And a nice place for a retreat, too!!!   Just stay out of the poison oak!




Edited by AnneLine
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In my picture I'm not actually wearing a maroon shirt.  That's actually one massive rash from poison oak.  

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