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Self Body Image Rant (good)


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I was attempting to express that I don't think every woman finds Brad Pitt more attractive than most other men. How does that even remotely seem like I could have been asking Hasan out?

For the record, though, since no one will let this rest otherwise: no I was not asking Hasan out.


So you're dropping hints?  Trying to get me to ask you out?

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I think at least part of self loathing of appearance for girls (and guys although they don't express it) comes from a lack of affirmation growing up. I'm sure a lot of it also stems from society, magazine covers, models, etc.


My parents hardly ever called me dashing, handsome or dapper, and as a teenager I was zit boy and hated how I looked. I wonder if I would have hated my appearance so much if I was regularly affirmed by those closest to me beginning from a young age.


I'm sure this is a big part of it for a lot of people, because I myself still have issues and a lot of it stems from my family not only not being affirming, but actually putting me down about how I looked on a regular basis. Most people I knew outside of my family never said anything, but I assumed they thought the same things my family had voiced.

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Ash Wednesday
I'm not as attractive as Brad Pitt.  Most men aren't.  Most women are't as attractive as Selma Heyek.  So it goes.  


For what it's worth, I really kind of don't see why so many people find Brad Pitt so attractive. He's frat boy cute, I guess, but it's not like he's wa wa wee wow.


Beauty, eye, beholder, etc. I guess. Stuff.

Lutefisk. More stuff.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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that is why I stopped contradicting my friends when they called themselves fat/ugly.

instead I told them "How sad that you feel that way."

cold, yes. But necessary. Of course I explained beforehand why I did not want to participate in the "i'm fat/ugly" ritual, so they understood what I was doing.

I think we need to stop giving attention to girls who act this way and stigmatize the behavior instead.

It's considered socially unacceptable and unattractive for a man to talk himself down in public ... why can't it be that way for women too.


That was not cold, that was nice of you!

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The beauty of any woman is found within her eyes, because they are the gateway to her soul where her true beauty lies. All other beauty will fade with time but her soul by the grace of God will be forever.






That is one butch woman!

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They're not depressed, they do it for attention. Don't get so wound up about it goofball
Well, thank you for your wisdom. :| I'm sure that there has never ever been a girl who felt badly about herself who wasn't attention seeking.

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I apologize for the last post. I was in a terrible mood, and just shouldn't have said anything.

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I apologize for the last post. I was in a terrible mood, and just shouldn't have said anything.


I think GtF is a big boy and can handle it. ;)

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