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Our Furnace Saga Continues


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Due to *two* separate errors from the dispatch office of our utililty company, our furnace is STILL not fixed.


We have gas fireplaces, but they are not especially efficient for heating our whole house for days on end. AND I'm getting tired of being asked to sit home for an 8 hour window. AND it is really cold here!!!!


Someone go make me a hot toddy or something. I'm not sleeping well, and I'm cranky.

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I've asked the electric blankets if they wouldn't mind sitting here for eight hours to let the repairman in, but they just looked at me blankly.

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Do you have any space heaters that can temporarily fill in?  I've found that an electric space heater can heat a room pretty well.  Just be careful with them.

Edited by Norseman82
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Do you have any space heaters that can temporarily fill in?  I've found that an electric space heater can heat a room pretty well.  Just be careful with them.


As soon as this whole thing started, we borrowed some from the neighbors. We didn't think this would go on this long, but we didn't want to be without them in case the neighbors were going away for Christmas.

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THAT was a smart move, HSM.   Hopefully now that the Christmas holiday is over, you can get this done.  Get TOUGH with them to get it done today or tomorrow -- or it will be next year LITERALLY before it is done.....


Praying for you... continued cold is NASTY.   Take care of yourselves...

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They came this morning. We were never really cold-- just a little chilly at night because the heat from the fireplaces didn't get up to the bedrooms.... Otherwise, it was just a pain.... and now it's over. ;)

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