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The Rich...


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Define rich?

A person that owns a 50+ inch TV?
A person that indulges in restaurant food?
A person that goes on exotic holidays?

A person that owns a business and employs lots of people?
A person that manufactures a product and sells it globally at affordable prices?

When do you define a person to be rich?

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Well, it used to be the top 1%.  Now it's the top 2%.  I wonder how long it's going to take to get to the top 47%.

Edited by r2Dtoo
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I have none of the above, in fact far far less, nor aspire to same - and yet regard myself as rich beyond measure .....in fact I once had the above (bar the final point on the list) and probably far more and never ever even passingly think to look back with desire, quite to the contrary.

"Rich" is always going to be a matter of one's personal definition and definitions are not necessarily the fact of the matter.


The  pearl of great price" http://www.drbo.org/x/d?b=drb&bk=47&ch=13&l=46#x






Edited by BarbaraTherese
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All threatening language will be investigated.  Every IP address that has connected to Phatmass will be investigated.  I have no choice but to act, and I have to protect my family.  With an F.

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All threatening language will be investigated.  Every IP address that has connected to Phatmass will be investigated.  I have no choice but to act, and I have to protect my family.  With an F.


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Well, it used to be the top 1%.  Now it's the top 2%.  I wonder how long it's going to take to get to the top 47%.


It will be the top 53%. The other 47% are dependent on the gov., don't you know?

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It will be the top 53%. The other 47% are dependent on the gov., don't you know?


We are all dependent on the government. Most especially the 1%. Who else protects them from competition in the free market?

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The rich are blessed with either the ability or the will to acquire wealth. There are those whose parents were the ones blessed with these abilities and they were blessed with wealth by their parents. How they handle that wealth in life is of course up to them and will affect their salvation.


Brabara Therese, do you feel sorry for the worldly wealthy like Billy Graham who do great works and charity ? Or is this pity for those you perceive as the " bad rich " What do you base your sorrow on ? Is it the medias view popularized these days that they stole monies from the poor, if so how do you feel about business owners who hire people allowing them to enjoy the comforts of life such as a roof over their heads and a full stomach and the ability to provide for their children, should they not be lauded as the providers they are ?



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Is it the medias view popularized these days that they stole monies from the poor, if so how do you feel about business owners who hire people allowing them to enjoy the comforts of life such as a roof over their heads and a full stomach and the ability to provide for their children, should they not be lauded as the providers they are ?


The earth used to provide these things. Now rich people do.

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The earth used to provide these things. Now rich people do.
Just think where USA would be if they didn't have people taking the initiative to develop industry. No companies, no jobs, no running water, no electricity, no sewerage systems, no tv, no internet, no university, no hospitals, no roads.
Just lots and lots of starving, desperate people.
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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="stevil" data-cid="2526744" data-time="1356290244"><p>
Just think where USA would be if they didn't have people taking the initiative to develop industry. No companies, no jobs, no running water, no electricity, no sewerage systems, no tv, no internet, no university, no hospitals, no roads.<br />
Just lots and lots of starving, desperate people.</p></blockquote>

That's interesting that all rich people have initiative and only rich people have initiative.

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