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What The Floopy?!?!


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He's a leech on the government and on society as a whole. The preferable thing would be to turn him in, but unfortunately your sister would probably hate you and never speak to you again, and this is not what you want or what she needs.


I agree, but thankfully the government caught on to his schemes and cut his welfare. But my sister still qualified, so he is more than likely keeping her around for the easy money. He's now  30 and she's 19, but he's been like that from the start. I will never understand how a grown man feels that stealing money from a young girl is an appropriate source of income. I also wish my sister would have more self esteem, she deserves better than that. 

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I agree, but thankfully the government caught on to his schemes and cut his welfare. But my sister still qualified, so he is more than likely keeping her around for the easy money. He's now  30 and she's 19, but he's been like that from the start. I will never understand how a grown man feels that stealing money from a young girl is an appropriate source of income. I also wish my sister would have more self esteem, she deserves better than that. 


Everyone deserves better than that. This guy is afraid of growing up. He's thirty now and he is well overdo.

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I don't think there's really anything wrong with an older man dating a younger girl or vice versa...
The real problem with her beau is that he doesn't have very good prospects as a provider.

I agree with this.
My cousin's girlfriend is five years younger than he. They began dating when he was graduating, and she was a freshman. She is a very mature young woman who is very strong in her faith, as is he. They have been together for two years now, and are the sort of couple I hold as an example to my Theology of the Body students. He is a hard-working young man with a good job and could support her. My main concern with such an age gap is that they will be dating for quite a while before they can conceivably get married, and most dating relationships do not last that long, not because they are bad relationships, but because the couple cannot go further, and they know it, and they bored and break up.
I myself am not your average eighteen-year-old. I find hanging out with most people my age about as distasteful as most 30 year olds would. All my college friends are juniors, seniors, and even "five- or- six year seniors" (and very, very Catholic). I have a few friends who are five or so years older than I, whom I would consider dating if I dated. My discernment of the religious life stops me from dating them, not an age gap. I will admit that not-out-of-highschool and beyond-college is a very odd combination and it unlikely they are compatible. But I do not think one can condemn a relationship simply because one partner's age begins with a 1 and the other's with a 2. There are much more deciding factors.
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I agree it depends on the couple, but in far too many cases it seems to end badly (or even worse not end at all).

TM, I too have a lot of older friends. Most of my friends that are closest in age to me are a good two years older. I have many friends four, five, even nine years older. There are pros and cons. :) And yet I still feel I'd rather marry someone my age. But who knows.

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"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."


I'd end up saying something like that...

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